new wonder

What would you like to see in Freeciv? Do you have a good idea what should be improved or how?
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Joined: Tue Mar 12, 2024 10:35 am

new wonder

Post by nicknamed »

I usually play under the communist regime and always end up at a disadvantage at the end of the game if I'm not constantly at war
I think there should be a new wonder called five year plans that would reduce building maintenance by 1 under communism (accumulated is -2)
I think this balances the wonders of the "Adam Smith Company" and "Women's Suffrage"
the gold generation is much stronger than the production rate so I think communism needs to be rebalanced somehow and this could be a good way

sorry if something doesn't make sense, I'm using google translate
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Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:54 pm

Re: new wonder

Post by cazfi »

This inspired new freeciv engine feature ticket ->
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