2.4.3 specialist

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2.4.3 specialist

Post by mfans »

I play Chinese edition 2.4.3, and it said I only can bring the next person into taxer, entertainment and sciensist, is it true? And where I can find the difference of the specialists and common town persons? Can I set the existed person into any specialist right onhand?
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Re: 2.4.3 specialist

Post by mfans »

I just have a simple question, how to tell a small person doll a taxer, a scientist or a entertainment person?
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Re: 2.4.3 specialist

Post by nef »

mfans wrote:I just have a simple question, how to tell a small person doll a taxer, a scientist or a entertainment person?
I believe Griffon Spade may have recently changed these icons but I (still) can't tell the difference. In fact, it may have got even harder on the small screen that I am using. I remember having no problems at all in Civ I even using EGA!!

The way it is at the moment I have to cycle through the roles looking at the results in the panel showing G/L/S.

Three suggestions:

1. Make the attire of the two sexes for the same occupation similar, rather than the other way.
2. Make the attire for each occupation distinctive E- colorful, S - white, T - black; as it was in Civ I.
3. Fix the problem in (experimental) large cities where all the citizens are squished together making all that spare room for the white space that follows. One possibility here is to clump together groups of similar citizens (each of HCUAEST). Missing groups would each need some sort of mark or separator. Groups of groups may be necessary for the extra large cities. This grouping would help in counting. (Can anybody actually count the "dolls" when the number gets more than a dozen?)
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Alien Valkyrie
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Re: 2.4.3 specialist

Post by Alien Valkyrie »

For big cities, opening the Cities screen (F4 in the gtk client) is probably more sensible anyhow.

Apart from that, I believe it's not that difficult to tell the different specialists apart: the scientists are wearing lab coats, the entertainers have one hand raised, and anyone who's neither of them has to be a tax collector. Also, scientists have black hair and taxpeople have brown hair, while entertainers have either red hair (female) or a red headband (male).

As for the attire suggestions, I believe mostly black for tax executives just doesn't fit anymore - they're supposed to be dressed like business people, not like they're attending a funeral. However, for ease of telling them apart, I'd suggest changing the backgrounds to different colors for the different colors (just like for the unused worker, farmer and trader specialist icons) - maybe keep the scientists blue, give the taxers a nice golden bg and the entertainers... pink?

EDIT: Just made a quick color change to see how it'd look. The tax collectors should be sufficiently distinguishable from unhappy citizens.
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Hans Lemurson
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Re: 2.4.3 specialist

Post by Hans Lemurson »

Specialists that can be differentiated at a glance? Madness!

Don't mind me, I think I'll just go steal those for my tileset...
Wishes he could convert Civ2's scenarios to FreeCiv...
But instead, he made his own tileset variants, RoundSquare and Sextant-enHANSed, and refuses to play on anything else. Check them out!
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Re: 2.4.3 specialist

Post by nef »

Caedo wrote:For big cities, opening the Cities screen (F4 in the gtk client) is probably more sensible anyhow.
All I need is just a 'few' more columns.

Don't like the pink but who am I to quibble. Otherwise nice work.
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Alien Valkyrie
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Re: 2.4.3 specialist

Post by Alien Valkyrie »

nef wrote:
Caedo wrote:For big cities, opening the Cities screen (F4 in the gtk client) is probably more sensible anyhow.
All I need is just a 'few' more columns.
Like what? I can't really think of anything missing right now. Depending on whether you like multiple things in a single column, you can have between 24 and 34 columns without any redundancies. It has everything I've ever needed.
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Re: 2.4.3 specialist

Post by nef »

Caedo wrote: Like what? I can't really think of anything missing right now. Depending on whether you like multiple things in a single column, you can have between 24 and 34 columns without any redundancies. It has everything I've ever needed.

Gross production. I often want to know if it is worthwhile to build factory etc.. Gross gold for the same reason - science and lux only work because they are never negative. Breakdown from the happiness page. But mostly the tool tip details (e.g. pollution source - pop vs shield). One useful addition would be user class naming (grouping cities) but I am not the first to say this. [edit:http://forum.freeciv.org/f/viewtopic.ph ... =682#p4058]

Also the city dialogue is needed for micromanagement of the tileworkers - which was the whole point of this thread.


trade route analysis as per tool tip: full details do not sit well with city rep format but one datum I find VERY useful (in the trade route strategy used by Civ II Early Landers) is the minimum recurrent revenue; unfilled routes would be 0 (or -1 since routes with 0 are possible). So for example for routes 9, 9, 8, 7: min would be 7; for 9, 9, 8, -: min would be 0.

Also breakdown of unit upkeep costs (F/P/G/U), but these ALSO are missing from the city dialogue. Two sets needed so that one can tell how many units need to be rehomed away, how many can be rehomed here (these are exclusive so -ve values would suffice but may be confusing). I would think there is enough real estate in the header:

Total upkeep: food <actual>/<max>; shield <a>/<m>; gold <a>/<m>; unhappy <a>/<m>;

"Units Supported" is 'less than useful'.

end edit
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Re: 2.4.3 specialist

Post by Lexxie »

Caedo wrote:For big cities, opening the Cities screen (F4 in the gtk client) is probably more sensible anyhow.

Apart from that, I believe it's not that difficult to tell the different specialists apart: the scientists are wearing lab coats, the entertainers have one hand raised, and anyone who's neither of them has to be a tax collector. Also, scientists have black hair and taxpeople have brown hair, while entertainers have either red hair (female) or a red headband (male).

As for the attire suggestions, I believe mostly black for tax executives just doesn't fit anymore - they're supposed to be dressed like business people, not like they're attending a funeral. However, for ease of telling them apart, I'd suggest changing the backgrounds to different colors for the different colors (just like for the unused worker, farmer and trader specialist icons) - maybe keep the scientists blue, give the taxers a nice golden bg and the entertainers... pink?

EDIT: Just made a quick color change to see how it'd look. The tax collectors should be sufficiently distinguishable from unhappy citizens.
Caedo, thanks! freecivweb.org has now implemented this. It should be a new standard !
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