Personality type and ruleset preference

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Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by sveinung »

What is your personality type, what sort of game rules do you like and why?

Personality type system
Unless you have strong feelings about what personality type system is "the correct one to use" I recommend this free MBTI-like test so all the reported personality types are in the same system.

Beware that I suspect the free type description you get after completing the test of being written with "get someone with this personality type to pay for the full description" as one of the goals. It almost worked on me. Ego stimulation combined with some advice that - had i been aware of it at the time - would have spared me painful experiences is a powerful sales pitch.

Game rules preference
Just write what comes natural to you. You can limit yourself to just mentioning a ruleset, you can talk about an element of a ruleset and/or what it is about it that appeals to you - at least according to your current self understanding. You can also nerd out about game design.

Why I ask
Many developers will typically - consciously or not - shut down the social parts of their brain while they program to focus more brain power on the programming. My interactions with the Freeciv community therefore typically happens with the social side of my brain shut down. Last week someone - probably by accident - activated the social side of my brain while I was in a Freeciv context. My brain immediately started to process the human side of Freeciv. I now have a bunch of ideas and stuff that I am curious about. I figured that this particular theory would stop bothering me if I started to collect data. (The plural of "anecdote" is "data", right?)
Last edited by sveinung on Thu Mar 04, 2021 1:03 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by sveinung »

I'll begin. My personality type is ENTP.

I really like novelty on a conceptual level that is well integrated with the other rules. One thing I really like about experimental - now goldkeep - is how its expanding city radius combines with immigration to allow you to "vacuum clean" the surrounding cities so the big city can work their tiles. Especially foreign cities.

On the other hand i like stability. If I'm used to a certain set of rules I want prominent warnings that the rules I used to play under have changed. I therefore really like that Freeciv 3.1's civ2 ruleset takes movement from a unit when it embarks - like in Civilization II - and not when it disembarks.
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Re: Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by wieder »

Obviously I like the LTT ruleset because it's relatively close to the classic games familiar to most of us. It's also improved for social gaming. Very hard to win alone as a lone wolf but possible if you are very very good. With the latest unit based tech trading setup it's even more social. It was made together with so many great people playing games at and while we may have some issues, all that stuff is fixed after the games and the outcome is a better game.

Have you seen the talks on Discord? Today we have lots of discussion there and the development ideas are talked there.

I'm not 100% sure what do you mean by human side of Freeciv. For me it's more about collaboration, doing stuff together in ways the AI can't handle and maybe trying to add elements that would allow you to do new things with other humans. Not only adding features but new ways to do stuff.
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Re: Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by Corbeau »

I think personality type analysis should be left to professional psychologists who went to school exactly for this purpose, and not rely on cheap internet tests designed by who knows who for the purpose to gathering clicks. You should also be wary of people trying to abuse this to make themselves look experienced and knowledgeable while in reality they are nothing but sophisticated snake-oil salesmen. This is the oldest trick in the book.
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Re: Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by wieder »

Yes Corbeau but you can still comment on the ruleset preferences and why you like certain rulesets. My preference is on rulesets that allow many ways to play the game. For a single player game against AI it's kind of more easy to like more rulesets because a single player game is kind of 1 vs 1 game where the computer can make the ruleset to work even if you switch to less than optimal strategy.

We also have this Warciv / multiplayer 3 ruleset where the opposite is taken to the extreme. I haven't been playing games with it but there is another reason why I might like it. It's not pretending to be a game with multiple viable strategies but instead there is only one basic strategy and the game is about executing that strategy. Everyone knows it's a golden path game and that makes it work.

Our first LTT 2.6 with two teams just ended yesterday and it was interesting to see how well that stuff worked even while 2 team games seem to have some issues when using any ruleset designed for FFA games. We are actually considering making a team game branch out of the LTT ruleset because some features must be turned on or off depending on if there are only 2 teams in the game. It might even be a good idea to have some way to make certain ruleset features server settings. I'll give you an example.

Partisans are something that are great for the 2 team games because this stuff slows down the attacks and brings some realism to the game. With FFA games however partisans, with the current implementation, must be turned off because allies who are at war in the game can crate partisan factories generating lots of those each turn by conquering the same city. This could be fixed for the future games with some propositions we had back in the days but while it's not done, we need two different setups for the team and teamless games.

What it comes to ruleset preferences I also like stuff that's not simply good for you. This was never implemented but we had this idea bout the Berlin Wall Great Wonder that would make the owner immune to some diplomatic actions but it would give you trade 10% penalty. This is not a serious wonder, at least not for now, but this is a good example for illustrating what kind of stuff I might like in games.

We are actually planning to add spontaneous migration and more varying to the city working area to out eXtended ruleset LTX. LTX is for trying out stuff that is maybe not that traditional.

And yeah, maybe I'll let the others to comment about my personality instead of internet tests. The tests may be fun but there may be security issues with people giving personal information to an unknown party.

Sveinung, have you been playing online against humans on any of the multiple multiplayer societies? Or are you maybe more into single players games?
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Re: Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by nef »

There is a certain irony in my association with the freeciv project. I had an el cheapo laptop that had a tiny SSD. To upgrade windows I needed an external drive. As it happened I discovered PortableApps which would let me place some apps on a USB drive, and I spied fc. My initial interest was to try out civ2. And then all the others, and then messed about with client options, and then messed about with server options, and once I had done that I messed about with my own ruleset - large city sizes (much better use of city graphics than experimental), migration to destroy interloping foreign cities, freshwater, vision management (much more than ci2civ3 and this was all before civ2civ3), bombard attacks, capture.

And once I had done all that I was done.

But after a year or two I thought I might take a 2nd look. And I started looking at the website to see if I could discover anything new.. We all know what happened once I did that.

But now for the irony. I discovered that I actually preferred the simplicity of Civ I (as you all should know by now). If you want a personality type then I'm all for strategy (and tactics). Micro management is not my thing. Complexity in rules is not my thing. KISS. But I did (and still do) have a complaint about Civ I, Sid may have been an EXCELLENT game developer, but as a historian - well he was better at his day job. So the most dramatic change that I made with my ruleset was to make the tech tree a little more like IRL.

I do have good memories of playing the Diplomacy board game but with the access I have LTT is not possible. So SP it is. BUT the fc AI is appallingly inept. The emperor games in Civ I were really addictive. In fc it is child's play (even cheating but I can't tell the difference). So if you developers are looking for something to do .... Oh, and if you hadn't noticed I also like some consistency in rules. The feature that I really liked about Civ I was that I got all the variability that I needed (and wanted) from mapgen. (But don't get me wrong; scenarios have their place in the sun.)

I may make a comment about golden paths in a month or two. (I have been distracted this last year.) The issue is not dead.
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Re: Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by Corbeau »

Right, I completely missed the "which ruleset do you prefer" part :D

Well,obviously, I prefer the Sim ruleset :D Right now I'm having the most fun in LT56 because it doesn't all boil down topreparations for war, but there is also constant city placement and city replacement considerations and (probably) more city classification than in any other ruleset.

Yes, I made Sim to my liking so it's obvious why I prefer it. As to what preferences are in question, I wrote it all down in Sim ruleset goals section on the Sim wiki page.
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Dino the Dinosore
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Re: Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by Dino the Dinosore »

I once did a deep dive into the personality type testing thing, and my conclusion was that they are mostly worthless junk. The MBTI system is the most commonly seen and used one, and Wikipedia says about it -
Independent sources have called the test "little more than a Chinese fortune cookie", "pretty much meaningless","one of the worst personality tests in existence," and "the fad that won't die".
I started out on Civ I, and spent way too much time with Civ 2 during its glory days, so I'm biased towards rulesets that are more similar to them. Some of the newer developments that I enjoy (and have incorporated into my own custom rulesets) are
1 wild animals
2 migration, but not migration within a nation
3 variable city radius
4 plague
5 culture effects and culture victory
6 keeping the random disasters from Civ 1 & 2

One thing I miss from Civ 1 & 2 is commodity specific caravans - remember "Thebes demands gold" and "Athens supplies salt"? I doubt anyone agrees with me about this, and it can't be done by a ruleset, so it's never gonna happen.

Also agree that the AI sucks, and I wish more development work would go into that instead of adding new features. Easy for me to say, why don't I do it myself? Long story...
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Re: Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by cazfi »

Dino the Dinosore wrote:One thing I miss from Civ 1 & 2 is commodity specific caravans - remember "Thebes demands gold" and "Athens supplies salt"? I doubt anyone agrees with me about this, and it can't be done by a ruleset, so it's never gonna happen.
That wasn't in civ1, and I've never played civ2. There are ruleset defined "Goods" that trade routes carry in freeciv-3.0, but I don't know if one can recreate what ever was the civ2 behavior with them.
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Re: Personality type and ruleset preference

Post by Corbeau »

Dino the Dinosore wrote:I once did a deep dive into the personality type testing thing, and my conclusion was that they are mostly worthless junk. The MBTI system is the most commonly seen and used one, and Wikipedia says about it -
Independent sources have called the test "little more than a Chinese fortune cookie", "pretty much meaningless","one of the worst personality tests in existence," and "the fad that won't die".
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thank you VERY MUCH for this :D We have a Special Someone in our community who won't stop honking about this, I felt there was something wrong about it but never bothered to check myself :D
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