To make this behaviour playable for AIs (and our autoexplorers), we will need to inform them about worth of exploring an extra. Curretly, there are two uniform constants related to hut worth: HUT_SCORE=60902 used in explorer_desirable() in server/advisors/autoexplorer.c (modifies autoexploring worth of a tile) and RAMPAGE_HUT_OR_BETTER=99998 used in dai_rampage_want() in ai/default/aiunit.[ch] (worth of entering a hut if an AI-controlled unit can now do it). Also, for not handicapped AIs (i.e. ones for whom exists considerable hut worth) unexplored huts on a continent mean the need to continue exploring it in adv_data_phase_init() in server/advisors/advdata.c . Thus, we can introduce effects like
Code: Select all
type = "BonusExploringWorth"
value = 60000 ; no immediate tech, but no risque
reqs = {"type", "name", "range", "present"
"Extra", "Ruins", "Local", TRUE
"UnitType", "Explorer", "Local", TRUE
"Action", "Mine", "Local", TRUE
"AI", "Handicapped", "Player", FALSE
Code: Select all
int consider_explore(player Player, tile Tile, unit Unit?, tactical_role?)