Optimal farmlands to mine ratio for cities?

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Optimal farmlands to mine ratio for cities?

Post by manuelpinto »

Some cities I think would have good production numbers don't. I tend to go heavy on farming to get population numbers high, then just use tax money to purchase anything I need. But this does not have much value early game. Great late game, but I have pretty much already won at that point. I just need to go through and wreck my enemies. Would like to do better earlier, which means I need to kick out production the cheap way, by actually letting cities make them vs purchasing them all.
Your thoughts?
- Manuel -slope game
Dino the Dinosore
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Re: Optimal farmlands to mine ratio for cities?

Post by Dino the Dinosore »

One thing I do is have different cities specialize in one thing. A science city with lots of trade gets library, university, science wonders and max pop growth, a production city with shield specials gets the mines, a barracks, and makes military units which get spread around and re-homed, or makes caravans for trade or to help build wonders.
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Re: Optimal farmlands to mine ratio for cities?

Post by ZacheryStiedemann »

Not every city needs to focus on agriculture or population growth. Identify high-yield locations (hills, forests, or other resource-rich locations) and prioritize them for high-yield construction. Assign these cities to produce units or infrastructure.
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