Sim ruleset is designed to create a more realistic feel of the flow of history, as opposed to a pure gaming experience. To learn more about it visit the Simulation ruleset manual page at Freeciv Wiki. In short: stack limit (too many units on the same tile get defence penalty), limited combat rounds (usually units survive initial combat), more logistics (unit and tech upkeep), city radius grows with increasing population etc.
In a week or three, LT86 will start, using LT Traditional ruleset, evolved over two decades and optimised for better multiplayer experience.
In order to play, you need to download the new and specifically adjusted Freeciv21 client (available for Windows, Unix and Mac).
In order to join the game, you need to register at and sign up for LT86 and/or Sim06. (Just before the game starts, you will have to confirm participation. This system is devised in order to maximally reduce the number of idlers.)
For any additional info, feel free to join the Longturn community at our Discord server or ask here.
Longturn is a one-turn-per-day variant of Freeciv, "invented" over two decades ago. In view of the many, it's how Civilization should be played