3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

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3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by huweve »

3.0 should never have been ideated because the civ 1+2 were the best versions. The others included a lot of units and other content, but that's not what this is about. Content is always beneficial.

The jump to 3D and 'CuLtUrE' (culture) is a bad decision to me. Why is it people who contribute to these projects always follow in the footsteps of the main developers? It makes no sense of any kind. So you will go to 3, then all the problems of 3 that produced 4, and the contributors here will reproduce these flaws, and all the problems of 5 the developers here will follow and then they'll want to do 6. See the problem? That's not how these decisions should be made, "hrmm....that's what Civ3 is so we'll do it too, but let's ignore that the design was dumped in later versions by the official devs".

3D: The more recent game of Runescape, and neverwinter nights were Upgraded in 3D and look like rubbish. You have to go the whole way with 3d like in civ5/6 to make it look half decent. The world wonders also became bloated and soy in later Civ games. I bet the contributors would fall in line with that too and mindlessly copy it.

Culture is an interesting idea but the way it looked in the games was mediocre, like an overly colored border gimmick with a couple of novelty effects. Civ started to become soy immediately after 2. It's something that could have been completely redesigned by the contributors here.

There is an overemphasis on the modern era in the official games, this looks to be carried over to this game. The modern game becomes more and more ridiculous in the official games, so it shouldn't be given attention, or be redesigned.

In my opinion the contributors need more extreme ideas that stick to the core appeal and fundamentals of the Civ1 and 2-world generation, barbarity. Hex tiles can work with Civ 1&2, maybe with spherical projection, as can the map fog of war from Civ 6. More interesting map generation can be done, including ai with the earlier Civ1/2 designs. These should have been 3.0.
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Re: 3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by cazfi »

Could you clarify what freeciv-3.0 feature you are referring to as something copied from commercial civ3?

You mention 3D and culture. If you have been testing 3D version of freeciv-3.0, it's not from freeciv.org. There is no such a thing.
There is no substantial changes to freeciv's culture system (which, as far as I know, is completely different from civ3 one) since freeciv-2.6.
Dino the Dinosore
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Re: 3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by Dino the Dinosore »

If you don't like the culture feature, it's easy to turn off culture victory in the settings. The supplied rulesets have not done a lot with implementing culture, and it is possible to do a lot more with a custom ruleset. I'm working on one.
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Re: 3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by huweve »

I saw the word culture mentioned and it sounded like borders from the game.
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Re: 3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by huweve »

cazfi wrote:Could you clarify what freeciv-3.0 feature you are referring to as something copied from commercial civ3?

You mention 3D and culture. If you have been testing 3D version of freeciv-3.0, it's not from freeciv.org. There is no such a thing.
There is no substantial changes to freeciv's culture system (which, as far as I know, is completely different from civ3 one) since freeciv-2.6.
I saw 3d screenshots from this website promoting it. I assumed that was enacted by the team.
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Re: 3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by cazfi »

Ok, freeciv-web (not freeciv desktop client) has a 3D-mode. I don't know if any site running freeciv-web currently uses it. And as far as versioning goes, it has nothing to do with 3.0 release (of desktop version).
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Re: 3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by huweve »

No comments? There has to be some kind of strategy.
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Re: 3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by cazfi »

What there is to comment? You've made a trollish entrance about how freeciv-3.0 has been done completely wrong. When asked what feature in it you are referring to, you have not answered. Apparently you have neither tested it nor read the documentation, i.e., you have no idea what's in it, but have just decided that it must have been made "wrong way".
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Re: 3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by huweve »

cazfi wrote:What there is to comment? You've made a trollish entrance about how freeciv-3.0 has been done completely wrong. When asked what feature in it you are referring to, you have not answered. Apparently you have neither tested it nor read the documentation, i.e., you have no idea what's in it, but have just decided that it must have been made "wrong way".
'No I did not say it was "completely wrong". You are the troll trying to take the criticism badly and say I'm the troll.
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Re: 3.0 shouldn't have been done this way!

Post by cazfi »

huweve wrote:take the criticism badly.
You are still not telling what you are criticing. It's hard to take such criticism seriously.

Here is the list of changes in freeciv-3.0: http://www.freeciv.org/wiki/NEWS-3.0.0
Which of them made you conclude that we're moving to become civ3/.../civ6 -like?
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