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Generalized effects for the spy escape teleports

Posted: Sun Feb 11, 2024 8:49 pm
by danau
I would like the "spy escape" effects to be customizable by the ruleset. Some benefits of the feature requested here are:
  • Units like "marksman/snipers" can also use an escape-to-nearest-city-or-base effect after attacking
  • The ruleset can decide if spies teleport to the capital, their homecity or the nearest city after completing some action
  • The ruleset can also specify that defeated diplomats have a chance of escaping (to the capital or nearest city)
  • We no longer need "Escape" and "non-escape" versions of the diplomatic actions
Descriptions of the effects I was thinking of:

Code: Select all

    The chance (in percent) that a unit teleports to the capital city of its
    owner when it successfully performs an action. Evaluated and done after the
    action is successfully completed.

    The chance (in percent) that a unit teleports to the nearest friendly city
    when it successfully performs an action. Evaluated and done after the action
    is successfully completed.

    The chance (in percent) that a unit teleports to the nearest friendly
    transport, base or city when it successfully performs an action. Evaluated
    and done after the action is successfully completed.

    The chance (in percent) that a unit teleports to the nearest friendly base
    or city when it successfully performs an action. Evaluated and done after
    the action is successfully completed.

    The chance (in percent) that a unit teleports to its home city when it
    successfully performs an action. Evaluated and done after the action is
    successfully completed.  

    The chance (in percent) that a unit teleports to the capital city of its
    owner when someone successfully performs an action on it. Evaluated and
    done after the action is successfully completed. Only supported for actions
    that targets an individual unit. (See doc/README.actions)

    The chance (in percent) that a unit teleports to the nearest friendly city
    when someone successfully performs an action on it. Evaluated and done after
    the action is successfully completed. Only supported for actions that
    targets an individual unit. (See doc/README.actions)

    The chance (in percent) that a unit teleports to the nearest friendly base
    or city when someone successfully performs an action on it. Evaluated and
    done after the action is successfully completed. Only supported for actions
    that targets an individual unit. (See doc/README.actions)