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Better plundering of cities

Posted: Fri Jan 05, 2024 12:20 am
by Ignatus
In CivIII, a barbarian unit hitting an undefended city does those actions:
  1. Destroy building/production (if any),
  2. Plunder gold (depending on city number, around 15 for 10 cities, until your treasury is empty),
  3. Kill a citizen (probably, not the last one).
The problems to solve about reproducing this behaviour:
  • Can we make action fallbacks for specific cases? Like, a Diplomat possibly should not steal gold if found no sabotage target.
  • Just checking, does having no buildings or shield stock in a city trigger fallback actions for sabotage at all?
  • Sabotage resistance of buildings should be ignored (maybe a separate action for plundering barbarians and Civ3-style bombers that is like sabotage but uses another resistance effects, maybe rewrite to abandon hardcoded sabotage resistances for specific effects)
  • No diplomatic fight should happen (well, in CivIII that all happens after all units are wiped and it has no Diplomats at all, but still; separate non-diplomatic Sabotage/StealGold actions would do the trick but I would prefer a flexible system of "if action A by unit B attempted to a location C protected by unit D then action E(B, C) happens instead")
  • The amount of stolen gold for now is 1 + random( bonus), it can't be related to the player's other cities. The CivIII's mechanics are not ideal though, probably 1 + * city.pop / player.sum_pop value should be used, how to demand it?
  • For the last option, we have "Poison City" but again need a non-diplomatic action, and better with another text message.
  • Also, all these actions shoyld be actor consuming (for barbarians, but not for bombers).