Towards S3_2-alpha1

Information about releases coming next.
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Towards S3_2-alpha1

Post by cazfi »

Release ticket:

Originally hoped for April or May release, but it's going to June (there's just couple of hours of May left when writing this)

Freeciv alphas are light-weight-releases, i.e., not the heavy process of stable releases is not applied. Expected artifacts from S3_2-alpha1 are:
- Source tarballs,
- Windows Installer builds. As meson based Windows builds still have some regressions compared to ones made with venerable autotools, plan is to provide two sets of installers; both those made with meson (like official Windows installers on freeciv-3.2 should be) and those made with autotools
- Maybe flatpaks (but not via flathub)
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