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Odd lack of keyboard control

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 7:40 am
by PatTheCatMcDonald
I'm certain this isn't a bug in Civ 3.

Having had issues compiling a Linux version, I thought I'd give V3 a whirl using the precompiled Windows version and Wine.

Which works fine BUT... the keyboard short cuts don't work at all, apart from movement using the numeric keypad.

I can't see people really clicking the menu option for Sentry every time on a unit. Bit of a nonstarter when I've got 500 Engineers to micromanage.

Hex displays much nicer than 2.6 though, it looks much much better. Just clunky to play.

Like I said, I'm pretty sure this is down to Wine having an issue echoing the keyboard input on the Linux side into the Windows equivalent, but I thoughtt I'd mention it as an oddity when trying not to hand compile the code.

Re: Odd lack of keyboard control

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 8:01 am
by cazfi
For the actual issue with Wine I have nothing to comment at the moment (will try that myself at some point)

But your options to get Freeciv-3.0 to a Linux machine include also
- Using nightly built flatpak from
- Building with the generic build script from viewtopic.php?t=89944 (this of course only helps if the build problem you're encountering is not something that the script will encounter too).

I should be able to give a bit more detailed help if I knew which Linux distribution you're running.

Re: Odd lack of keyboard control

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 4:36 pm
by PatTheCatMcDonald
Thanks for the links. I'm running Feren, which is a curious hodge podge mix of Mint and Ubuntu, but essentially Debian flavour.

And yeah, I'd messed up installing Wine. Didn't set the correct keyboard, thought the "Automatically detect" option would work for the keyboard.

EDIT: Nope, removed everything, put on V7 stabke Wine, selected Brit keyboard, same issue.

I still think it's a problem outside of Freeciv though. Unless a proper Linux install doesnt resolve it, I'll get back to you.loo

Don't hold your breath on an update, I've got a lot to do with the current OS and I really don't want to experiment further. V3 of Freeciv can wait.

The Windows fonts look awful but that's just cosmetic and easily fixed at my end. The hex view now scales properly and looks really nice though.