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The Unit Selection Dialog Box is not working

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 10:54 am
by uruiamme
I've never really liked the unit selection box, but in a multi-player game, it is unworkable.

I need to select several different units on a tile; not all of them; and not all of the same type. (Example: with a city that has 20 units, select just the 4 Elite howitzers and 3 green Mech. Inf. and 1 Spy. Half of these were still on a loaded transport. Once selected, send them on a GoTo journey.) Here's how I do this and my difficulties:
  1. I left click a tile, the Unit Selection Box pops up and I can double-click one of the units to make it active.
  2. Next, I click the tile again and the Unit Selection Box pops up a second time (Or, I click the blue arrow)
  3. With one unit selected on this tile, and I want to select multiple units, I should simply CTRL-Click or SHIFT-Click the ones I want like a browser menu or file list selection in Windows Explorer. None of that works. There are no checkboxes for units, either. And right-clicking has no effect.
  4. When a transporter unit is in the stack, it starts as closed.
  5. There are no sorting mechanisms, such as Hit Points, Movement points, Attack, nor are these numbers shown

Here's the bugs that keep us from quickly selecting multiple units on a tile:
  1. Selecting a unit that has either no moves left, is fortified, or is on sentry breaks multi-unit selection. (What seems to happen is that a unit from the tile is selected and then some other unit at a different tile is selected next, leaving us with two units on different tiles selected.) The workaround is to cancel the first unit's sentry/fortify with the spacebar. Then you can select multiple units. Units with no movement points should not be selected first.
  2. Once a unit has been selected or deselected, the list of units resets. The first one you selected may be far down the list, so you have to scroll down where you were if you need several in the same area on the list.
  3. When you select a unit inside a transport, the dialog box resets and closes the transport
  4. There is no "Selected unit" box or window, so you don't know which units are already selected, nor the order that they are in. The order may be important if you send them straight into a battle and some units are far stronger than the others. There is a list of the units selected on the main window, but I have to move the dialog box to see the main window.
I am running version 3.0.4-msys2, gui-gtk-3.22 client, but this has been happening for 2.6 and other 3.0 versions. I'm going to submit a bug report, but I thought maybe there's some way to do multiple unit selection that allows arbitrary (not all) units to be hand picked. And yes, I use Shift-V a lot. But we need something in between selecting 1 unit and, say, 22 of them.

Re: The Unit Selection Dialog Box is not working

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2023 8:08 pm
by uruiamme
This affects gameplay in multiuser a lot. There's many times where selecting 20-odd different units from different places would accelerate an attack to limit human responses to it.