Page 1 of 1 - UR11 - Newcomer/begginer-game just started at Freeciv Web

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2021 10:21 pm
by qrtv10
This game is for newcomers/begginers only!

Description from GameMaster for this game, SunrisePink:

I have been working on an unrated Game #11 setting file. The results are
- this game will be especially for beginners, including beginner friendly settings like
- techleak 50 // techs are getting a lot cheaper once they are researched
- techlossrestore 80 // you do not lose too many techs due to tech debts
- conquercost 0 // there is no tax on techs that are acquired by conquered cities
- bulb and gold taxes for trades are set to 5%
- max 25 players allowed, I hope not too many idlers will join, but there wont be a way around that
- the map is continental with 75% land, has no cold poles, its warmer and a little bit flatter than usual with few mountains
- it will look a little bit like this
- 250 per player makes this map big enough to expand in peace without a need for planes to find other players

Have fun!

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