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Re: Ihnatus branch for 2.6 Longturn server/client

Posted: Mon Jul 20, 2020 11:30 pm
by Ignatus
Minor client fixes: addded Tile:center() as alias to, made City:is_(un)happy working in client (in the standard branch, work for your home cities only).

Re: Ihnatus branch for 2.6 Longturn server/client

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2020 9:46 pm
by Ignatus
Minor server fix: on this server unit can be given an order for mine- and irrigate-transform. The patch is suggested for mainstream 2.6.3 at HRM but no warranty it works on the server you play on.

Re: Ihnatus branch for 2.6 Longturn server/client

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 8:20 am
by Ignatus
Some recent patches:
  • City.worker_tasks - a sequence of tables {tile = (Tile), act = (activity rule name), tgt = (extra name), want = 100} representing autosettlers' tasks set for the city.
  • Clients do not collapse from botched chat messages, worker tasks or unit activities (such things are sometimes produced by standard 2.6 2 clients as well as some experimental servers).
  • You can attack a transporting vessel from aboard of another one if your unit is capable of it (standard clients used to have troubles with it trying to board enemy vessel instead).

Re: Ihnatus branch for 2.6 Longturn server/client

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2020 6:46 pm
by Ignatus
Recent patches:
  • Tile:has_extra(name) now supports also resource names (like it can do in v.3.0)
  • Qt client: Trade planning fixed (as it is in v.
  • some other minor corrections, was short of time
An example client Lua module is attached that was actually used in LT54 game. Its functionality:
  • All catchable signals are printed to the chat log (not sent to other users). That includes unit movement, appearing/disappearing and full combat info (enemy type, ID, old/new veteranship/health)... On reconnecting a game it prints almost everything present on the gameboard.
  • airlifts() - prints to Lua console links on your cities where you have spare airlifts (remark: in Gtk clients links from Lua console are green on the map only since you click them)
  • focus_w() - sends all selected units a command to wait full move points (i.e., stop attracting focus until the next turn)
  • res_not_on(res_name, ter_name) - links in the chat log all the tiles where resource res_name (e.g. "Resources") is not on a terrain of type ter_name (e.g. "Grassland"), so you can see where climatic messup has moved the resources on a terrain where they are unavailable (e.g. swamps).

Re: Ihnatus branch for 2.6 Longturn server/client

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2021 10:09 pm
by Ignatus
A fix for AI fighters was added! Now AI players launch fighters and do not lose them so stupidly. Also, some support is made for long-ranged aviation but it needs better testing.
Now AI considers the ability of units to fortify calculating wants for city defenders. Now AI produces much less fighters.
Also, in civ2 ruleset aviation was enabled.