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Help browser images

Posted: Wed Jun 08, 2016 8:37 am
by dunnoob
For some versions including GTK2 2.5 the help browser shows decent images for units and techs. It should also do this for nations (= show large flag no matter what the tileset says), terrains, wonders+buildings (sprites for big wonders+buildings, not the .../data/misc/buildings.png grid), and ideally governments. Admittedly the small icons in .../data/misc/governments.png suck, also on the tech tree, but some image is better than no image. :P
Units are already nice
Units are already nice

Re: Help browser images

Posted: Fri Jun 10, 2016 10:34 am
by GriffonSpade
There is no 'no matter what tileset says'. The tileset is what tells the game what images to use.

It would be 'have tileset have separate entry for help always pointing to large flags'.

Still, that sounds like a good idea. Though if any such designation is missing, it would have to default back on using the normal flag entry.

With buildings, it might even confuse people by using different images, so that's probably not a good idea.

Likewise, any special help version of governments would have to be made. Making 'government flags' isn't a terrible idea. In fact, I went through the trouble of whipping some up. Note that the small and large government flags aren't scaled like nation flags, they're slightly different touch-ups, but that's it. I suppose modders could use them as nation flags if they wanted.