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Re: Art required for freeciv proper (2.5 & 2.6)

Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 2:45 pm
by Arbogast
It's from "" and it's copyrighted. Darn. Sorry

Re: Art required for freeciv proper (2.5 & 2.6)

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 10:53 pm
by GriffonSpade
Oh! I just realized that while I put them in a2h, I hadn't dropped them here by themselves yet.
Aluminum from amplio iron
Uranium from amplio gold
Saltpeter from amplio coal
Elephant from Architetto Francesco (Public Domain)
strategic.png (7.56 KiB) Viewed 24874 times

Airfield and Airbase from amplio airbase (slightly tweaked both to fit better with the fortress, in case they're used together)
Trench from amplio fortress (others are amplio identical)

Re: Art required for freeciv proper

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 7:03 am
by cazfi
cazfi wrote:
pepeto wrote:There will be a need of sprites for goto paths:
  • goto turn number don't have real sprite currently;
  • Need also sprites for goto turn number with exhausted moves points;
  • Needed graphics for waypoints.
See patch #5233.
This has now been postponed to 3.0
And now 2.6 is the target release again. Sorry about this going back and forth (it'll come some day anyway, so making the art wouldn't be wasted effort no matter what's the final target release)

Re: Art required for freeciv proper (2.5 & 2.6)

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 1:03 am
by GriffonSpade
Took me a bit to figure out how to do the Shields. Threw me a bit when I realized it only had one slot!
Fortifying activity (Not Fortified)
fortifying.png (429 Bytes) Viewed 23672 times
Road and Base activities

Code: Select all




Edit: For some reason Fortress0 and StoneFort0 didn't make it into this image. Not that it should matter, since they weren't any of the terrains needed.

Re: Art required for freeciv proper (2.5 & 2.6)

Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:14 pm
by GriffonSpade
Cazfi wrote:For amplio2, and for TRUNK and S2_6 only as it introduces upkeep icons in separate file. We can't do that in S2_5 without breaking custom .tilespecs that rely on amplio2/tiles.spec to provide them with upkeep icons too.
Will this do for 2.5?

Code: Select all


; Format and options of this spec file:
options = "+Freeciv-2.5-spec"


artists = "
    Tatu Rissanen <>
    Jeff Mallatt <> (miscellaneous)
    GriffonSpade (unit upkeep; alternate fortifying icon)

gfx = "amplio2/tiles"


x_top_left = 0
y_top_left = 0
dx = 96
dy = 48

tiles = { "row", "column", "tag"
; Unit activity letters:  (note unit icons have just "u.")

  0, 18, "unit.auto_attack",
  0, 19, "unit.stack"
  1, 17, "unit.loaded"
  1, 18, "unit.connect"
  1, 19, "unit.auto_explore"
  0, 16, "unit.transform"
  0, 17, "unit.sentry"
  4, 16, "unit.goto"
  4, 17, "unit.mine"
  2, 16, "unit.pollution"
  2, 17, "unit.road"
  2, 18, "unit.irrigate"
  2, 19, "unit.fortifying"
;  1, 16, "unit.fortifying"
;  2, 19, "unit.fortress"
;  3, 16, "unit.airbase"
  3, 17, "unit.pillage"1
  3, 18, "unit.fortified"
  3, 19, "unit.fallout"
  4, 19, "unit.patrol"
  1, 18, "unit.convert"

; Unit hit-point bars: approx percent of hp remaining

  7,  0, "unit.hp_100"
  7,  1, "unit.hp_90"
  7,  2, "unit.hp_80"
  7,  3, "unit.hp_70"
  7,  4, "unit.hp_60"
  7,  5, "unit.hp_50"
  7,  6, "unit.hp_40"
  7,  7, "unit.hp_30"
  7,  8, "unit.hp_20"
  7,  9, "unit.hp_10"
  7, 10, "unit.hp_0"

; Numbers: city size: (also used for goto)

  5,  0, "city.size_0"
  5,  1, "city.size_1"
  5,  2, "city.size_2"
  5,  3, "city.size_3"
  5,  4, "city.size_4"
  5,  5, "city.size_5"
  5,  6, "city.size_6"
  5,  7, "city.size_7"
  5,  8, "city.size_8"
  5,  9, "city.size_9"
  5, 10, "city.size_00"
  5, 11, "city.size_10"
  5, 12, "city.size_20"
  5, 13, "city.size_30"
  5, 14, "city.size_40"
  5, 15, "city.size_50"
  5, 16, "city.size_60"
  5, 17, "city.size_70"
  5, 18, "city.size_80"
  5, 19, "city.size_90"
  4,  1, "city.size_100"
  4,  2, "city.size_200"
  4,  3, "city.size_300"
  4,  4, "city.size_400"
  4,  5, "city.size_500"
  4,  6, "city.size_600"
  4,  7, "city.size_700"
  4,  8, "city.size_800"
  4,  9, "city.size_900"

; Numbers: city tile food/shields/trade y/g/b

  8,  0, "city.t_food_0"
  8,  1, "city.t_food_1"
  8,  2, "city.t_food_2"
  8,  3, "city.t_food_3"
  8,  4, "city.t_food_4"
  8,  5, "city.t_food_5"
  8,  6, "city.t_food_6"
  8,  7, "city.t_food_7"
  8,  8, "city.t_food_8"
  8,  9, "city.t_food_9"

  6,  0, "city.t_shields_0"
  6,  1, "city.t_shields_1"
  6,  2, "city.t_shields_2"
  6,  3, "city.t_shields_3"
  6,  4, "city.t_shields_4"
  6,  5, "city.t_shields_5"
  6,  6, "city.t_shields_6"
  6,  7, "city.t_shields_7"
  6,  8, "city.t_shields_8"
  6,  9, "city.t_shields_9"

  6, 10, "city.t_trade_0"
  6, 11, "city.t_trade_1"
  6, 12, "city.t_trade_2"
  6, 13, "city.t_trade_3"
  6, 14, "city.t_trade_4"
  6, 15, "city.t_trade_5"
  6, 16, "city.t_trade_6"
  6, 17, "city.t_trade_7"
  6, 18, "city.t_trade_8"
  6, 19, "city.t_trade_9"

; Unit upkeep in city dialog:
; These should probably be handled differently and have
; a different size...

  0,  6, "upkeep.shield"
  0,  7, "upkeep.shield2"
  0,  8, "upkeep.shield3"
  0,  9, "upkeep.shield4"
  0, 10, "upkeep.shield5"
  0, 11, "upkeep.shield6"
  0, 12, "upkeep.shield7"
  0, 13, "upkeep.shield8"
  0, 14, "upkeep.shield9"
  0, 15, "upkeep.shield10"
  1,  6, ""
  1,  7, "upkeep.gold2"
  1,  8, "upkeep.gold3"
  1,  9, "upkeep.gold4"
  1, 10, "upkeep.gold5"
  1, 11, "upkeep.gold6"
  1, 12, "upkeep.gold7"
  1, 13, "upkeep.gold8"
  1, 14, "upkeep.gold9"
  1, 15, "upkeep.gold10"
  2,  6, ""
  2,  7, "upkeep.food2"
  2,  8, "upkeep.food3"
  2,  9, "upkeep.food4"
  2, 10, "upkeep.food5"
  2, 11, "upkeep.food6"
  2, 12, "upkeep.food7"
  2, 13, "upkeep.food8"
  2, 14, "upkeep.food9"
  2, 15, "upkeep.food10"
  3,  6, "upkeep.unhappy"
  3,  7, "upkeep.unhappy2"
  3,  8, "upkeep.unhappy3"
  3,  9, "upkeep.unhappy4"
  3, 10, "upkeep.unhappy5"
  3, 11, "upkeep.unhappy6"
  3, 12, "upkeep.unhappy7"
  3, 13, "upkeep.unhappy8"
  3, 14, "upkeep.unhappy9"
  3, 15, "upkeep.unhappy10"
;  7, 13, ""
;  7, 14, "upkeep.gold2"
;  7, 15, ""
;  7, 16, "upkeep.food2"
;  7, 17, "upkeep.unhappy"
;  7, 18, "upkeep.unhappy2"
;  7, 19, "upkeep.shield"

; Base building activities
  8, 15, "unit.fortress"
  8, 16, "unit.airbase"
  8, 17, "unit.buoy"

; Nuclear explosion: this could maybe now be handled as one 
; big graphic (?), but for now is done old way as 3 by 3:

  0,  0, "explode.nuke_00"
  0,  1, "explode.nuke_01"
  0,  2, "explode.nuke_02"
  1,  0, "explode.nuke_10"
  1,  1, "explode.nuke_11"
  1,  2, "explode.nuke_12"
  2,  0, "explode.nuke_20"
  2,  1, "explode.nuke_21"
  2,  2, "explode.nuke_22"

Trimmed the right side of the credits box image
Moved Transform, Sentry, Goto, Mine images
Referenced Transform, Sentry, Goto, Mine image locations
Added in the increased upkeep images
Referenced upkeep images
Commented old upkeep references
Added in alternate fortify image
Commented alternate fortify (Original still referenced)
Added my name to the list of authors

Re: Art required for freeciv proper (2.5 & 2.6)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:55 pm
by GriffonSpade
; Unit upkeep in city dialog:
; These should probably be handled differently and have
; a different size...
Trimmed the dead space off the bottom that was inherited from the tiles image. Also have the spec here.
unitcost.png (10.42 KiB) Viewed 24018 times
For 2.6+.(Probably needs a little editting in the spec code, as this uses the 2.5 format)

Code: Select all


; Format and options of this spec file:
options = "+Freeciv-2.5-spec"


artists = "
    Tatu Rissanen <>
    Jeff Mallatt <> (miscellaneous)

gfx = "amplio2/unitcost"


x_top_left = 1
y_top_left = 1
dx = 96
dy = 19
pixel_border = 1

tiles = { "row", "column", "tag"
  0, 0, "upkeep.shield"
  0, 1, "upkeep.shield2"
  0, 2, "upkeep.shield3"
  0, 3, "upkeep.shield4"
  0, 4, "upkeep.shield5"
  0, 5, "upkeep.shield6"
  0, 6, "upkeep.shield7"
  0, 7, "upkeep.shield8"
  0, 8, "upkeep.shield9"
  0, 9, "upkeep.shield10"
  1, 0, ""
  1, 1, "upkeep.gold2"
  1, 2, "upkeep.gold3"
  1, 3, "upkeep.gold4"
  1, 4, "upkeep.gold5"
  1, 5, "upkeep.gold6"
  1, 6, "upkeep.gold7"
  1, 7, "upkeep.gold8"
  1, 8, "upkeep.gold9"
  1, 9, "upkeep.gold10"
  2, 0, ""
  2, 1, "upkeep.food2"
  2, 2, "upkeep.food3"
  2, 3, "upkeep.food4"
  2, 4, "upkeep.food5"
  2, 5, "upkeep.food6"
  2, 6, "upkeep.food7"
  2, 7, "upkeep.food8"
  2, 8, "upkeep.food9"
  2, 9, "upkeep.food10"
  3, 0, "upkeep.unhappy"
  3, 1, "upkeep.unhappy2"
  3, 2, "upkeep.unhappy3"
  3, 3, "upkeep.unhappy4"
  3, 4, "upkeep.unhappy5"
  3, 5, "upkeep.unhappy6"
  3, 6, "upkeep.unhappy7"
  3, 7, "upkeep.unhappy8"
  3, 8, "upkeep.unhappy9"
  3, 9, "upkeep.unhappy10"

Re: Art required for freeciv proper (2.5 & 2.6)

Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:08 pm
by GriffonSpade
Maglev proposal ROUGH DRAFT. What do you think of this design for the monorails? Sort of a raised wall-rail type design. For Amplio2.
maglev.png (2.69 KiB) Viewed 23799 times

Re: Art required for freeciv proper (2.5 & 2.6)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:46 am
by cazfi
GriffonSpade wrote:Maglev proposal ROUGH DRAFT. What do you think of this design for the monorails? Sort of a raised wall-rail type design. For Amplio2.
We don't have canals in official rulesets/tilesets, but this seems quite lot like the canals on some custom tilesets. How easy it's to tell them apart in game?

Re: Art required for freeciv proper (2.5 & 2.6)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:17 am
by cazfi
GriffonSpade wrote:
; Unit upkeep in city dialog:
; These should probably be handled differently and have
; a different size...
Trimmed the dead space off the bottom that was inherited from the tiles image. Also have the spec here.
I wonder if we should do that for S2_5 version too. One .spec-file can contain multiple grids after all (not all sprites in the .png need to be on same grid with same sprite size).

Re: Art required for freeciv proper (2.5 & 2.6)

Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:24 pm
by GriffonSpade
cazfi wrote:
GriffonSpade wrote:Maglev proposal ROUGH DRAFT. What do you think of this design for the monorails? Sort of a raised wall-rail type design. For Amplio2.
The attachment maglev.png is no longer available
We don't have canals in official rulesets/tilesets, but this seems quite lot like the canals on some custom tilesets. How easy it's to tell them apart in game?
I can't vouch for others' canals, but they stand out quite well against my own for several reasons.
The supports give it a distinctive sawtooth edge
The blue is extremely different
The silver and blue are more intermixed, with notably less blue
The lack of dams (Can't have canals without locks and dams :))