Game 1 - testing game

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Game 1 - testing game

Post by Corbeau »

This can be the official thread for the 150-player First LongTurn Web.

Current state of affairs:

150 players overall

Turn 10

33 active in two last turns

1 idle for 2 turns
3 idle for 3 turns
0 (zero) idle for 4 turns
11 idle for 5 turns
18 idle for 6 turns
13 idle for 7 turns
16 idle for 8 turns
12 idle for 9 turns
43 idle for 10 turns
Last edited by Corbeau on Tue May 30, 2017 8:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LTW-001 - testing game

Post by Alien Valkyrie »

So, I checked everything again (turns out we have three new idle players), and if we don't take the currently-running turn 12 into account, we have at most 716 active player turns and at least 934 idle player turns within the first 11 turns – which, with 150 players and 11 turns, gives us a 43.3% to 56.7% active vs. idle player turns. I'm a compulsive mathematician. Don't judge me.
But that's only relevant if we expect some of those players to come back, or to keep being as active as they have been on average. Actually active right now are only 30 out of 150, so a fifth of all players.

I was wondering, is it possible / viable to make the 42 living players who have been inactive since turn 1 free for the taking and open the game for possible interested new players? They'd get quite a late start, but we've got some latecomers in the second game as well, and hope dies last.
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Re: LTW-001 - testing game

Post by Corbeau »

I caught this. It's the least relevant, especially at this time of game, but nevertheless.
3100 BCE Thucydides reports on the HAPPIEST Civilizations in the World.
1: The Supreme Basotho
2: The Supreme Portuguese
3: The Supreme Lebanese
4: The Supreme Ryukyuans
5: The Supreme Abyssinians
6: The Supreme Sikkimese
7: The Supreme Manchus
8: The Supreme Koreans
9: The Supreme Anhaltians
10: The Supreme Wuerttembergians
11: The Supreme Crimean Tatars
12: The Supreme Vandals
13: The Supreme Neapolitans
14: The Supreme Welsh
15: The Supreme Burgundians
16: The Supreme Leonese
17: The Supreme Mayas
18: The Supreme Badians
19: The Supreme Vietnamese
20: The Supreme Abkhazians
21: The Supreme Slovenians
22: The Supreme Dahomeans
23: The Supreme Mazovians
24: The Supreme Hungarians
25: The Supreme Colombians
26: The Supreme Iroquois
27: The Supreme Greater Poles
28: The Supreme Old Prussians
29: The Supreme Chileans
30: The Supreme Pontians
31: The Supreme Malagasies
32: The Supreme Aymaras
33: The Supreme Milanese
34: The Supreme Persians
35: The Supreme Sorbs
36: The Supreme Catalans
37: The Supreme Sherpas
38: The Supreme Palatinate Germans
39: The Supreme Georgians
40: The Supreme South Sudanese
41: The Supreme Maldivians
42: The Supreme Vikings
43: The Supreme Vhavenda
44: The Supreme Normans
45: The Supreme Jolof
46: The Supreme Khmers
47: The Supreme Chickasaws
48: The Supreme Papal States
49: The Supreme Piedmontese
50: The Supreme Franconians
51: The Supreme Incas
52: The Supreme Mongols
53: The Supreme Majapahit
54: The Supreme Swiss
55: The Supreme Monegasque
56: The Supreme Anishinaabeg
57: The Supreme Paeonians
58: The Supreme Lippians
59: The Supreme Andorrans
60: The Supreme Yakuts
61: The Supreme Kurds
62: The Supreme Omanis
63: The Supreme Ni-Vanuatu
64: The Supreme Mons
65: The Supreme Laotians
66: The Supreme Rwandans
67: The Supreme Otomíes
68: The Supreme Americans
69: The Supreme Schleswig-Holsteinians
70: The Supreme Cubans
71: The Supreme Thracians
72: The Supreme Venetians
73: The Supreme Cantonese
74: The Supreme Ossetians
75: The Supreme Nigeriens
76: The Supreme Frisians
77: The Supreme Corsicans
78: The Supreme Tongans
79: The Supreme Benin
80: The Supreme Kazakhs
81: The Supreme Veletians
82: The Supreme Azeris
83: The Supreme Japanese
84: The Supreme Jaffnas
85: The Supreme Congolese
86: The Supreme Sinhalese
87: The Supreme Chinooks
88: The Supreme Somalis
89: The Supreme Imazighen
90: The Supreme Cape Verdean
91: The Supreme Saudis
92: The Supreme Saint Lucian
93: The Supreme Cossacks
94: The Supreme Maltese
95: The Supreme Emiratis
96: The Supreme Bavarians
97: The Supreme Yemenis
98: The Supreme Occitans
99: The Supreme Liechtensteiners
100: The Supreme Togolese
101: The Supreme Curonians
102: The Supreme Burmese
103: The Supreme Austrians
104: The Supreme Hanoverians
105: The Supreme Djiboutians
106: The Supreme Lithuanians
107: The Supreme Thai
108: The Supreme Scots
109: The Supreme Saxons
110: The Supreme Khazars
111: The Supreme Bolivians
112: The Supreme Ashantis
113: The Supreme Miskito
114: The Supreme Cañaris
115: The Supreme Luxembourgians
116: The Supreme Kuwaitis
117: The Supreme Friulian
118: The Supreme Timurids
119: The Supreme Circassians
120: The Supreme Chams
121: The Supreme Armenians
122: The Supreme Hessians
123: The Supreme Malians
124: The Supreme Ottomans
125: The Supreme Bhutanese
126: The Supreme Han
127: The Supreme Florentines
128: The Supreme Vincentians
129: The Supreme Panamanians
130: The Supreme Taiwanese
131: The Supreme Zulus
132: The Supreme Flemings
133: The Supreme Aragonese
134: The Supreme Toltecs
135: The Supreme Castilians
136: The Supreme Darfuris
137: The Supreme Rhenish
138: The Supreme Lorrains
139: The Supreme Uyghurs
140: The Supreme Cornish
141: The Supreme Kyrgyzs
142: The Supreme Sikhs
143: The Supreme Sicilians
144: The Supreme Holy Romans
145: The Supreme Seminoles
146: The Supreme Oldenburgians
147: The Supreme Andalusis
148: The Supreme Burundians
149: The Supreme Mapuche
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Re: LTW-001 - testing game

Post by AndreasR »

Corbeau wrote:I caught this. It's the least relevant, especially at this time of game, but nevertheless.
So everyone is equally happy? I wish this report had included player/leader names also.
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Re: LTW-001 - testing game

Post by Corbeau »


33 players active
11 players idle for 2 or 3 turns
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Re: LTW-001 - testing game

Post by Corbeau »

Turn 38:

37 players active in the last two turns
8 players idle for 2-5 turns
11 players idle for 6-10 turns
18 players idle for 11-20 turns
66 players idle for 20-37 turns

5 dead

5 AIs
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Re: Game 1 - testing game

Post by Corbeau »

Most advanced. And don't ask what kind of mumbo-jumbo I had to perform to extract this.

1: The Supreme Cantonese
2: The Magnificent Portuguese
3: The Magnificent Wuerttembergians
4: The Magnificent Paeonians
5: The Magnificent Somalis
6: The Magnificent Burmese
7: The Magnificent Timurids
8: The Magnificent Han
9: The Magnificent Toltecs
10: The Magnificent Burundians
11: The Great Maldivians
12: The Great Frisians
13: The Great Tongans
14: The Great Jaffnas
15: The Great Cossacks
16: The Great Maltese
17: The Great Togolese
18: The Great Curonians
19: The Great Cañaris
21: The Great Seminoles
20: The Great Castilians
22: The Glorious Lebanese
23: The Glorious Ryukyuans
24: The Glorious Abyssinians
25: The Glorious Vandals
26: The Glorious Kurds
27: The Glorious Cubans
28: The Glorious Veletians
29: The Glorious Japanese
30: The Glorious Sinhalese
31: The Glorious Imazighen
32: The Glorious Emiratis
33: The Glorious Bavarians
34: The Glorious Saxons
35: The Glorious Kuwaitis
36: The Glorious Friulian
37: The Glorious Ottomans
38: The Glorious Vincentians
39: The Glorious Taiwanese
40: The Glorious Mapuche
41: The Eminent Chickasaws
42: The Eminent Congolese
43: The Eminent Chinooks
44: The Eminent Saudis
45: The Eminent Saint Lucian
46: The Eminent Miskito
47: The Eminent Circassians
48: The Eminent Chams
49: The Eminent Malians
50: The Eminent Darfuris
51: The Eminent Rhenish
52: The Eminent Lorrains
53: The Eminent Sikhs
54: The Distinguished Basotho
55: The Distinguished Manchus
56: The Distinguished Slovenians
57: The Distinguished Old Prussians
58: The Distinguished Malagasies
59: The Distinguished Milanese
60: The Distinguished Catalans
61: The Distinguished Andorrans
62: The Distinguished Benin
63: The Distinguished Azeris
64: The Distinguished Djiboutians
65: The Distinguished Luxembourgians
66: The Distinguished Hessians
67: The Distinguished Flemings
68: The Distinguished Cornish
69: The Distinguished Holy Romans
70: The Mediocre Chileans
71: The Mediocre Vhavenda
72: The Mediocre Papal States
73: The Mediocre Incas
74: The Mediocre Laotians
75: The Mediocre Schleswig-Holsteinians
76: The Mediocre Hanoverians
77: The Mediocre Thai
78: The Mediocre Bolivians
79: The Mediocre Ashantis
80: The Mediocre Armenians
81: The Mediocre Panamanians
82: The Mediocre Zulus
83: The Mediocre Aragonese
84: The Mediocre Uyghurs
85: The Mediocre Kyrgyzs
86: The Ordinary Dahomeans
87: The Ordinary Palatinate Germans
88: The Ordinary Jolof
89: The Ordinary Lippians
90: The Ordinary Yakuts
91: The Ordinary Omanis
92: The Ordinary Otomíes
93: The Ordinary Thracians
94: The Ordinary Ossetians
95: The Ordinary Nigeriens
96: The Ordinary Yemenis
97: The Ordinary Lithuanians
98: The Ordinary Scots
99: The Ordinary Oldenburgians
100: The Ordinary Andalusis
101: The Useless Koreans
102: The Useless Anhaltians
103: The Useless Neapolitans
104: The Useless Abkhazians
105: The Useless Mazovians
106: The Useless Greater Poles
107: The Useless Sorbs
108: The Useless Normans
109: The Useless Khmers
110: The Useless Mongols
111: The Useless Swiss
112: The Useless Anishinaabeg
113: The Useless Ni-Vanuatu
114: The Useless Occitans
115: The Useless Liechtensteiners
116: The Useless Austrians
117: The Useless Khazars
118: The Useless Bhutanese
119: The Useless Florentines
120: The Useless Sicilians
121: The Worthless Sikkimese
122: The Worthless Crimean Tatars
123: The Worthless Welsh
124: The Worthless Mayas
125: The Worthless Aymaras
126: The Worthless South Sudanese
127: The Worthless Piedmontese
128: The Worthless Monegasque
129: The Worthless Rwandans
130: The Worthless Americans
131: The Worthless Venetians
132: The Worthless Corsicans
133: The Wretched Vietnamese
134: The Wretched Hungarians
135: The Wretched Vikings
136: The Wretched Franconians
137: The Wretched Burgundians
138: The Wretched Leonese
139: The Wretched Badians
140: The Wretched Colombians
141: The Wretched Iroquois
142: The Wretched Pontians
143: The Wretched Persians
144: The Wretched Georgians
145: The Wretched Mons
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Re: Game 1 - testing game

Post by AndreasR »

Thanks for making these lists, Corbeau.
So what do we know about the number 1 Supreme Cantonese?


Apparently being idle for 41 turns is what it takes to be #1 in this game...
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Re: Game 1 - testing game

Post by methree »

cantonese must be on 100 science rate
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Re: Game 1 - testing game

Post by AndreasR »

Yes, that is probably it. This was how players were created in the first game. The second and third games do not have this problem.
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