New pixel art [in progress]

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New pixel art [in progress]

Post by elsalvadordali »

Hello all!
First time poster, long time player. I'd like to contribute some pixel art units and other stuff.. But I don't know how to make a ruleset (when I tried, the game crashed and wont load :oops: ), so if someone would like to help with that, that'd be great. I've attached the unit.png, and the unit.spec. Each unit is 48x48. All I did was recolor some sprites according to this 16-bit color pallet:

I'm still working on the city/terrain. Here's what it looks like in-game (note this is just an amplio recolor for the most part):
  • Culturally diverse troops (though probably historically inaccurate)
    Civilians face right, military units face left/neutral
    16 bit color scheme
    Modified amplio tileset to match colorscheme
Hopeful Features (not sure if possible to implement) :
  • Cities that grow beyond the size of the (apparent) tile
    Additional resources
    Buildings and wonders (this is going to take forever)
The units at the bottom aren't 100%. Shadows and positions should be fixed.

Anyway, I'm looking for critiques, and help! If you have any recommendations or requests, please let me know!
I don't know what I'm doing
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Credits: Allard Hofelt, Harlan Thompson, Morten Blaabjerg, Captain Nemo, Fairline, and DB
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Re: New pixel art [in progress]

Post by cazfi »

elsalvadordali wrote:But I don't know how to make a ruleset (when I tried, the game crashed and wont load :oops: )
It would be nice to go through what was the problem so we can improve (document it better / fix possible bugs... ).

Do you know the terminology to the extend to tell ruleset apart from tileset? Since here at least you're working on tileset side (not game rules, but on gfx).
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Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:54 pm

Re: New pixel art [in progress]

Post by cazfi »

I did a bit:

- Moved your files to a new elsavadordali/ directory
- Set filename (with path) of the png-file to "elsalvadordali/pixel-units" in pixel-units.spec (was: "amplio2/units")
- Copied amplio2.tilespec as elsalvadordali.tilespec
- Set "name" in elsalvadordali.tilespec as "elsalvadordali"
- Replaced reference to "amplio2/units.spec" with "elsalvadordali/pixel-units.spec" in elsalvadordali.tilespec

Tried to run client with "-t elsalvadordali" -> it failed to start
Run client with other tileset so it booted up and only then tried to switch tileset -> got an error about unterminated entry

- Added closing "}" to the end
- Tried to run client with "-t elsalvadordali" -> got to the point where server sends rulesets and then got an error message about tileset lacking "" (that the default ruleset requires)

- Added "amplio2/units.spec" back to the elsalvadordali.tilespec, before "elsalvadordali/pixel-units.spec" (which remains) and added "duplicates_ok" to tilespec options: "options = "+Freeciv-2.5-tilespec duplicates_ok"
- Started a game using your tileset

Since you have different size units than amplio2 units.png, you may want/need to adjust offset values in elsalvadordali.tilespec, but I didn't do that.
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