Tile gathered and thiefing + nomadic

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Joined: Sat May 04, 2013 2:19 pm

Tile gathered and thiefing + nomadic

Post by Lachu »

Add gathered flag to tile (or special), which will disallow workers to do anything on this tile.

Some units may use thief/gather action, which will create goods of type related to resources on this tile. Using action will add gathered flag to tile. On each turn, this flag will be cleared for each tile. Workers may add resources to city (trade, food, shields) on beginning of turn, but only if gathered flag is not set. Additionally, adding resources to granary of city will be calculated before clearing this flag.

This allows us to create thief and nomad units. It would be good idea to introduce use good (on unit carrying it), which will consume unit and provides food/hp/mp/science. Of course, in later game, units may use good in city.
Posts: 472
Joined: Sat May 04, 2013 2:19 pm

Re: Tile gathered and thiefing + nomadic

Post by Lachu »

Creating goods could also allow to implement chop forest/grain/stones/etc.

In newer Civilization games, workers/builders could remove resources from tile. If we allow to remove resources by action and implement creating goods by actions, it will be possible to implement this newer Civilization features.
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Re: Tile gathered and thiefing + nomadic

Post by cazfi »

I'm not sure I understand everything you're after, but is there something that a ruleset couldn't do by use of a temporary extra? Not even lua scripting required.
- Set visibility properties of that extra as you wish (e.g. if it's completely hidden by other extras, does it have any gfx)
- Make its disappearance chance on turn change 100%
- Use it as (negated) requirement for relevant action enablers and effects like "Tile_Workable"
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