v2.6.6 - qt client launch error: "no qt-client theme was found"

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Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:55 pm

v2.6.6 - qt client launch error: "no qt-client theme was found"

Post by marooned »

Hi all!

So I built the freeciv-2.6.6 qt client from source:

Code: Select all

$ ./configure --prefix=/home/blah/build-2.6.6-qt --enable-client=qt
$ make
$ make install
When I try to launch the client, I get the following error:

Code: Select all

$ cd build-2.6.6-qt/bin
$ ./freeciv-qt
2: Migrating Qt-client options from freeciv-2.5 options.
0: No Qt-client theme was found. For instructions on how to get one, please visit http://www.freeciv.org/
There seems to be a relevant directory in the source tree, namely /freeciv-2.6.6/data/themes, with subdirs for each client, qui-gtk-2.0, gui-gtk-3.0, gui-qt, gui-sdl and so on, together with the corresponding Makefiles. Should I build something manually and/or link to it?

(Btw, I had to install the qt5 development libraries -- actually, this metapackage (I use an old linux mint disto, 17.1 Rebecca):

Code: Select all

$ sudo apt-get install qt5-default

Τhe same config/build/launch process works fine for the (default) gtk client.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!
Posts: 3136
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:54 pm

Re: v2.6.6 - qt client launch error: "no qt-client theme was found"

Post by cazfi »

What does it list as Data Path Components if you run it with debug log level 3 ("-d 3") ?

Is it possible you have FREECIV_DATA_PATH environment variable set?
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:55 pm

Re: v2.6.6 - qt client launch error: "no qt-client theme was found"

Post by marooned »

Is it possible you have FREECIV_DATA_PATH environment variable set?
Hmm, FREECIV_DATA_PATH environment variable is not set:

Code: Select all


What does it list as Data Path Components if you run it with debug log level 3 ("-d 3") ?
Four directories are listed:
i) . (the current dir)
ii) data (subdir)
iii) .freeciv/2.6 (under the home dir, 2.6 actually doesn't exist)
iv) /home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv (that's under the build dir specified with configure --prefix)
Ah that's a good catch: the last path should begin with /home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6-qt/ for the qt client, since that's what it was configured with, shouldn't it?

Posting output from launching of gtk and qt clients for comparison.


Code: Select all

$ ./freeciv-gtk2 -d 3
3: log started
3: USER username is user
3: HOME is /home/user
3: Data path component: .
3: Data path component: data
3: Data path component: /home/user/.freeciv/2.6
3: Data path component: /home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/.freeciv/freeciv-client-rc-2.6"
3: Booting help texts
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/helpdata.txt"
3: Booted help texts ok
3: tilespec file is "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2.tilespec".
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2.tilespec"
3: tile sizes 96x48, 9672 unit, 1520 small
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/terrain1.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/maglev.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/terrain2.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/hills.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/mountains.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/ocean.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/water.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/tiles.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/upkeep.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/activities.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/fog.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/small.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/events.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/governments.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/specialists.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/units.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/veterancy.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/flags-large.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/buildings-large.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/wonders-large.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/space.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/techs.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/treaty.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/nuke.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/explosions.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/cities.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/bases.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/select.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/grid.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/cursors.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/overlays.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/citybar.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/shields-large.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/editor.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/icons.spec"
3: finished reading "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2.tilespec".
3: Proceeding with sound support disabled.
3: Neither of tags music_menu or (null) found
3: color system booted ok.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/treaty.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/small.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/terrain1.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/overlays.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/space.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/cursors.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/events.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/nuke.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/explosions.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/tiles.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/activities.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/veterancy.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/select.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/citybar.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/editor.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/bases.spec"
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_000" (instead of "path.turns_000") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_100" (instead of "path.turns_100") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_200" (instead of "path.turns_200") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_300" (instead of "path.turns_300") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_400" (instead of "path.turns_400") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_500" (instead of "path.turns_500") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_600" (instead of "path.turns_600") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_700" (instead of "path.turns_700") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_800" (instead of "path.turns_800") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_900" (instead of "path.turns_900") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/upkeep.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/grid.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/fog.spec"
3: The tileset doesn't specify preferred themes or none of its preferred themes can be used. Using system default.
3: settings file is /home/user/.freeciv/freeciv-client-rc-2.6
3: Saved settings to file /home/user/.freeciv/freeciv-client-rc-2.6
The gtk client launches successfully, the two bottom lines are printed after quitting the client.


Code: Select all

$ ./freeciv-qt -d 3
3: log started
3: USER username is user
3: HOME is /home/user
3: Data path component: .
3: Data path component: data
3: Data path component: /home/user/.freeciv/2.6
3: Data path component: /home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/.freeciv/freeciv-client-rc-2.6"
3: Booting help texts
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/helpdata.txt"
3: Booted help texts ok
3: tilespec file is "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2.tilespec".
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2.tilespec"
3: tile sizes 96x48, 9672 unit, 1520 small
3: Could not find readable file "misc/intro.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/intro.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/intro.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/intro.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/intro.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/intro.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/intro.pgm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/radar.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/radar.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/radar.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/radar.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/radar.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/radar.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/radar.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/terrain1.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/maglev.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/terrain2.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/hills.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/mountains.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/ocean.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/water.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/tiles.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/upkeep.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/activities.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/fog.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/small.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/events.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/governments.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/specialists.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/units.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/veterancy.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/flags-large.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/buildings-large.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/wonders-large.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/space.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/techs.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/treaty.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/nuke.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/explosions.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/cities.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/bases.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/select.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/grid.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/cursors.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/overlays.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/citybar.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/shields-large.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/editor.spec"
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/icons.spec"
3: finished reading "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2.tilespec".
3: Proceeding with sound support disabled.
3: Neither of tags music_menu or (null) found
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/treaty.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "misc/treaty.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/treaty.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/treaty.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/treaty.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/treaty.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/treaty.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/treaty.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/small.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "misc/small.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/small.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/small.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/small.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/small.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/small.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/small.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/terrain1.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/terrain1.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/terrain1.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/terrain1.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/terrain1.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/terrain1.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/terrain1.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/terrain1.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/overlays.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "misc/overlays.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/overlays.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/overlays.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/overlays.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/overlays.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/overlays.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/overlays.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/space.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "misc/space.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/space.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/space.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/space.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/space.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/space.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/space.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/cursors.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cursors.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cursors.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cursors.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cursors.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cursors.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cursors.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cursors.pgm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/civicon.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/civicon.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/civicon.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/civicon.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/civicon.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/civicon.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/civicon.pgm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cityicon.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cityicon.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cityicon.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cityicon.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cityicon.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cityicon.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/cityicon.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/events.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "misc/events.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/events.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/events.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/events.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/events.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/events.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/events.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/nuke.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/nuke.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/nuke.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/nuke.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/nuke.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/nuke.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/nuke.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/nuke.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/explosions.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/explosions.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/explosions.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/explosions.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/explosions.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/explosions.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/explosions.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/explosions.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/tiles.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/tiles.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/tiles.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/tiles.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/tiles.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/tiles.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/tiles.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/tiles.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/activities.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/activities.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/activities.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/activities.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/activities.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/activities.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/activities.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/activities.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/veterancy.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/veterancy.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/veterancy.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/veterancy.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/veterancy.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/veterancy.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/veterancy.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/veterancy.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/select.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/select-alpha.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/select-alpha.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/select-alpha.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/select-alpha.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/select-alpha.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/select-alpha.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/select-alpha.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/citybar.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "misc/citybar.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/citybar.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/citybar.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/citybar.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/citybar.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/citybar.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/citybar.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/misc/editor.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "misc/editor.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/editor.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/editor.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/editor.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/editor.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/editor.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "misc/editor.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/bases.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/bases.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/bases.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/bases.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/bases.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/bases.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/bases.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/bases.pgm" in data path.
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_000" (instead of "path.turns_000") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_100" (instead of "path.turns_100") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_200" (instead of "path.turns_200") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_300" (instead of "path.turns_300") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_400" (instead of "path.turns_400") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_500" (instead of "path.turns_500") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_600" (instead of "path.turns_600") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_700" (instead of "path.turns_700") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_800" (instead of "path.turns_800") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Using alternate graphic "city.size_900" (instead of "path.turns_900") for sprite "path.s[GTS_MP_LEFT].turns_hundreds[i]".
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/upkeep.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/upkeep.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/upkeep.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/upkeep.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/upkeep.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/upkeep.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/upkeep.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/upkeep.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/grid.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/grid.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/grid.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/grid.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/grid.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/grid.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/grid.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/grid.pgm" in data path.
3: Reading registry from "/home/user/freeciv/build-2.6.6/share/freeciv/amplio2/fog.spec"
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/fog.bmp" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/fog.gif" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/fog.ico" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/fog.jpeg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/fog.jpg" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/fog.pbm" in data path.
3: Could not find readable file "amplio2/fog.pgm" in data path.
2: Migrating Qt-client options from freeciv-2.5 options.
0: No Qt-client theme was found. For instructions on how to get one, please visit http://www.freeciv.org/
Posts: 3136
Joined: Tue Jan 29, 2013 6:54 pm

Re: v2.6.6 - qt client launch error: "no qt-client theme was found"

Post by cazfi »

It seems that if you reconfigure with just a different --prefix, 'make' won't rebuild the internal data paths.

So if you've build once with --prefix=/home/user/freeciv-2.6.6 (e.g. the gtk-client), and then do 'configure --prefix=/home/user/freeciv-2.6.6-qt --enable-client=qt' and 'make' in the same build directory, that build still has the old data path.

One workaround is to 'make clean' between the builds.

I personally prefer to use separate build directories for different configurations:

Code: Select all

> mkdir build-gtk
> mkdir build-qt
> cd build-gtk
> ../freeciv-2.6.6/configure --prefix=/home/user/freeciv-2.6.6/gtk-3.22 --enable-client=gtk3.22
> make install
> cd ../build-qt
> ../freeciv-2.6.6/configure --prefix=/home/user/freeciv-2.6.6/qt --enable-client=qt
> make install
(The above example builds gtk3.22-client instead of ancient default gtk3-client, as the environment is modern enough to support it)
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jan 28, 2022 12:55 pm

Re: v2.6.6 - qt client launch error: "no qt-client theme was found"

Post by marooned »


I was guessing it had something to do with the build tree/order, but apparently I was too lazy to figure it out :P
One workaround is to 'make clean' between the builds.
This worked fine. Configuring both clients in the same (source) directory, using 'make clean' in between.

Your method of using separate build directories for different configurations also worked fine! (well, as expected :D)
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