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QT client version of gtk Intelligence Report

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:26 am
by chippo
I'm just starting out with the qt client (3.0.92-dev (07203e4c3b)) and want to see another player's diplomatic relations. In the gtk client, you could go to Nations and the double-click the other player to get an Intelligence Report. How do you see this stuff in the qt client?

Unrelatedly, in the qt client, in the Nations tab, when you finish a meeting with another player, it automatically takes you back to the View tab, rather than leaving you on the Nations tab. Is this how it is supposed to work, or is it a bug? It makes it really annoying if you want to process every other player in sequence (sell them all a new tech you've gained).

Re: QT client version of gtk Intelligence Report

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2020 9:41 am
by chippo
Ignore question one. The information is right in front of you in the Nation tab, at the bottom of the screen, in the middle. Just left-click on the player and you see it.