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Delete my saves

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:57 am
by Benlieb
How can I clear all my save points in my previous games. All my saves pile up in the Load Game screen and I would like to clear it.

Re: Delete my saves

Posted: Sat Jun 30, 2018 4:59 pm
by Arbogast
I don't quite understand your question. What ya mean "Saves Points"?
But if you want to delete all/some saved games, do this: go to
and clean that folder. I do that when I want to start a new game because the old one was a loser.
Then, if I was in a bad situation and played the turn and things didn't improve, then I just go to the \saves folder, and choose an earlier turn.

Hope I'm clear about your post.


Re: Delete my saves

Posted: Sun Jul 01, 2018 9:17 am
by madmax
Freeciv-web subforum, so I guess this is not about local games.

That's probably my fault. Some time ago I removed a few superuser execution points and I may have gone too far. Or maybe it didn't work before, I don't know.

The problem is the user directory in which the savegames are created is made writable only for the user running the freeciv server (which is usually freeciv or whatever the admin has used to install the server), but the user trying to delete the savegame is the one for the webapp server (usually tomcat8).

You can't do anything as a player. The easiest workaround is for the site admin to add permissions for tomcat:

Code: Select all

setfacl -R -m d:u:tomcat8:rwX,u:tomcat8:rwX /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/data/
and run a daily job adding group write permission to the savegames directories:

Code: Select all

chmod g+w /var/lib/tomcat8/webapps/data/savegames/*
Where are you playing? I thought that only hosted one-turn-per-day games.