Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

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Re: Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

Post by Butters »

I thought I might be best to remain quiet and things would work out . Also out of fear that if I speak out I could be banned from the game or at least, an alliance formed to remove me from the current games and make it hard to play future ones. I have decided to share a few things from my point of view for public discussion and comment, even if it results in banning, slandering, name calling or other types retaliation.

I've only been playing a few months and had no idea of what i was getting into. So far i have been insulted, plotted against, threatened, accused of cheating and probably a few other things.
This goes way beyond role-playing by insulting a player you are at war with, or establishing and embassy someone doesn't want.

I know people are going to ask "why didn't you report this to an administrator" (in private too). Well it's because i believe one or more of the admin and/or those close to them are part of the problem and it would result in nothing getting done or more of the things i mentioned above.

Lexxie is not Innocent, she has played her part own part in all this... she accuses me of cheating...
Lexxie said: how dare u say i'm butters u know damn well corbeau is butters

she threatens me and others....
Lexxie said: ok i'm so irritated, obviously u said this about me
others said wow , kept supporting him just because an ally..i said yeah...i told it all... we care about u...
if u want to play papa evil. we will do it
corby will be the first to go this way, rhymes with way, no way, doesn't rhyme with way
any way....i'm allowed to denigrate u 3x for everything u say against me....
lexxie wrote: i would have killed u already...u want it like this ????? ? ?? ? ? i noticed u do, u want a fight, you are going to do a victimplogy fight on me. ok fine... drama time goes uptown again
this is the 24th time u owe me without sayin thanks btw, 25 i am going allah akbhar on u. let me know. ooooooooooooooooooooolahahalahalhalhalahha ...instantly evident and instantly advisors recommend at least one hard pput-down, to make the dog stop
lexxie wrote: 1. do not ever mess with someone who you should maybe ask to be your queen. 2. lots of other things, but see 1. 3. duh, see 1
she insults me...
lexxie wrote: .....u had like 3 ugly gfs in your life....Every single peace attempt we reach or offer with "Garan/corbeau" is reached back with hostile and "i'm smarter tha n u , idiot " i mean who cares. i know u feel insulted and hot about it but he wants it. Butters is proposing love to all good people and instant death to bad, how should we organise a vote....ok means nothing, as we know, slander war you vs. me
and after all this she tries to rally other players against me.

As said before others have complained about her behavior( and others) and nothing has been done...
From the list multi-accounters (and don't forget lexxie is on that list and is probably drdogbot among others) .....
sasak wrote: She was sending many abusive messages to me since then, even 20-30 per turn. In last turn she was even threataning my real life. So she must banned even for that
she deletes messages that she doesn't like or may show her in a bad light (Or has an admin do it for her).
If that wont work she resorts to intimidation. (threatening those that may use her messages to report her behavior with copy right law)

Free-civ web is a great game and even after all this i still want to play. It isn't multi accounting ruining the game for me but other peoples behavior, which continues to go un-moderated and unpunished.
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Re: Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

Post by Corbeau »

Community news continuing under the slogan "The Public has a Right To Know Even If They Couldn't Care Less" :)

It seems that no matter how small and insignificant communities are, there will always be people willing to create bad blood and fragment it even more. The current state of affairs is as follows:

It is impossible to announce any news regarding on Freeciv Web community pages because they get instantly deleted. Also, some key people from are banned at Freeciv Web Discord channel. Why, you ask? That's a very good question and a moderately interesting story. It seems that FCW people (I counted three of them) are convinced that LT people are there to abuse, harm and destroy FCW. No, don't ask me, I don't know either. They are welcome to explain it. I'm sure it will be... extensive.
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Re: Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

Post by Corbeau »

I started receiving private messages starting with "Is it true that...", so here is a public announcement, in order to make all things known and clear.

A few days ago a new player in Web Game 20 asked when will a new game start (jumping into Turn 30 or so, if you are not really skilled, you may be more interested to start anew than play from a very difficult position).

I shared the information about the new LT test game starting soon and directed the user towards other information channels, among others, this forum.

Yesterday I was banned from all games hosted on Lexxie's Freeciv Web server.

Today I was informed that the information about the new LT test game was deleted from the Web Game 20 in-game chat.

Also, I am informed that all messages mentioning the number of idlers are being deleted by the admins.

In other words, anyone stumbling onto the said server and playing any of the games there will have zero chance of being informed out about other longturn instances on the internet becuase the information is immediately censored. it is questionable whether it would be possible to inform them of the existence of the Freeciv project as a whole.

Fortunately, there are other Freeciv Web instances where people can play the same version of the same game. For now they are slightly less regular, but all are working fine and have potential for improvement.
* Freeciv LongTurn, a community of one-turn-per-day players and developers
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Re: Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

Post by Corbeau »

Ok, this is "The Gossip Section" so I may get a bit less official.

In reference to the previous post, this is how things are.

I take pride in the fact that this hasn't actually occurred to me in three days, and now only because I was approached raising the issue of my nation in the game.

In the end, when you draw the line, a consequence of this banning is that Lexxie just got rid of a strong hostile neighbour who, all by himself, wouldn't pose a threat, but joining an enemy alliance could cause huge problems for her. The banned player's nation has 3rd best Settled Area, so imagine the problems if this nation joined a hostile alliance!

I guess now she doesn't have to worry about it. Very convenient.

So, Freeciv Web has a new tagline: You threaten our empire, we ban you from the game!
* Freeciv LongTurn, a community of one-turn-per-day players and developers
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Re: Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

Post by Lexxie »

Please consider that the above post is false and provides evidence of the kind of dishonest malicious motives.

Background summary
1. Corbeau is part of a known group engaging in a political psy-ops against FCW. He is a self-appointed troublemaker who feels a God-given right to disrupt community goals. He orchestrates and performs staged political theater and slander against the very people who are providing him a free entertainment service. Ultimately that gets you banned anywhere you try it.

2. It doesn't take a genius to wonder: "if countless normal players are not getting banned and this guy gets banned a lot, is there something special he's doing and not admitting during these public rants against FCW? What's the real underlying truth behind this guy?" This leads to two hypotheses: he is either an ethical crusader who stands up to abuses that others are quiet about, or he is egotistically deranged and picks fights with enlightened management. Well, it's the latter. You see, the common denominator to Corbeau's constant problems is not the current FCW or the current admins of it/ He has caused troubles and had bannings multiple times on multiple instances under different management.

3. We like to welcome and grow a community of friendly players who respect reasonable rules and who do not feel a God-given right to break rules without even starting a healthy public discourse to vote on amending the rules.

It was an unpleasant menu of options we faced when "pushed to our wit's end" to try to warn someone to stop committing bannable offences. We knew all-too-well that later he would try to stage a drama over it. Staged dramas over his own pre-meditated banning is his special trademark. It appears he uses it to attempt to degrade the reputation of the server and its operators as part of his “Op-42 psy-ops farming,” What's that? In case you didn't know, it's a very small group he is in, whose goal has been to "degrade quality of competitor servers to get people to come over to our own server.” The execution follows the same formula every time: after a warning over some repeated offences, he privately escalate the offences while publicly doing something innocent-seeming like give a user a forum link to here. Get banned, then cry foul that some draconian dictators are cutting free speech and trying to prevent freeciv users from coming to the forum! Do this simultaneous to the new launching of a new game on his own server. Oh no, FCW is against the freeciv forum! FCW is public enemy! Oh no! Hey everyone, there's good news, come on over and try my new experimental ruleset instead! By now it should be obvious the real game and motives behind these tactics. It's quite foul and the community should do more to chastise it. It's ignominious.

It has become apparent that a lot of people don't notice the source of the FCW political dramas are always the same 3-4 people working together in tandem as a team. Clever politics to present us with a "lose/lose menu" of choices is exactly what they calculate and execute: we either take the high ground and don't respond to wildly false accusations, or we defend ourselves against incessant slander until the casual user thinks, "Oh, FCW, aren't they the ones who are always having political drama over hacking/cheating/rules/banning/censoring?" As the public text record will show over the last years, In Corbeau's mind, it's a win/win strategy to push to the absolute max for all it's worth, constantly. But all strategies have a downside and by overplaying it, they have milked it too far. Finally, in many places are exposed their malicious motives. They have told one too many persons too much about their intents. People are finally coming to us saying, "wow, you were right about them. I'm sorry you had to put up with it." One of their own, even, in an unexpected moment, admitted to all the deliberate trouble-making and apologised for it.

The game is up. The motives are clear. The intent is to degrade a service you see as competitor then blame it for suffering the degradation you yourself cause and "farm an exodus" to your own server. While we certainly can tolerate open speech and discussion and comparison of different ideologies for running freeciv servers and communities, and can tolerate competition, it has to be done in a fair and honest way. Not in a way that sets up lies and propaganda and slander as an all-out war with intent to damage and destroy. But we certainly don't have to tolerate users with known agendas to sabotage our operation while admitting it's part of a plan to recruit our users away from us.

It's finally coming to an end. After exposure of the evidence and the admissions of malicious intents and affiliation, we had enough, we are done with it and can ban all sources hostile to FCW operations. It should be obvious we're under no obligation to provide free entertainment to hostile sources who break our rules and try to bring us down.

At the risk of sounding obvious, if you don't like a server or its operators and denigrate having a web interface interface and familiar standardised rulesets, why is such a huge portion of your life and public politics obsessively dedicated to causing trouble to another server, instead of improving your own? Corbeau, consider this ban a liberation so you can focus on something productive.

The case of Corbeau
FCW admins have a long history with Corbeau. He's self-admittedly on the record as hostile to FCW and he is a member of a group who doesn't stop at politics but indeed ventured into cyber-crime and politically siding with and leveraging the results from hacking, cheating, and cyber-crime for political gain.

I can assure you that in private, in deed and action, I have never seen anything like the coordinated obsessive fury to scheme deep political traps and aggressions against us. At the end of the day, FCW is a free service run to provide free entertainment. The bottom line is, if you don't like our culture and rules for trying to create a fair non-cheating environment free from political attacks, trolling, abuse, and infighting, then you know what you can do. Something else!

Our attempt to negotiate a peaceful co-existence and cross-promotion between "his" server and ours was probably the most tediously passive aggressive abuse I have ever had the displeasure of exposing myself to. Corbeau conveniently does not mention that FCW's current policy with respect to his server was forced upon us by their rejecting the offer of peaceful co-existence and cross-promotion, followed by continuing their strategy of slanderous political psy-ops to attempt to "degrade FCW's reputation and popularity so we can use it as a farm for our own server." The foregoing is already demonstrated and out in the open. We followed up repeatedly in approaching them that this state of affairs is not to our liking and in the absence of a cross-promotion deal, would they at least agree to a "no public politics, everyone mind their own business, and we go our separate ways" kind of deal. As you see here and all over Discord, Corbeau obsessively dedicates his time to words and actions contradictory to that proposed deal.
Corbeau's calculated and ongoing efforts over several years, have been to damage/degrade FCW under whatever management it has, to try to create a political shift toward his own less popular server. At the risk of seeming mean, I will suggest what his efforts should instead be dedicated to: fixing the things that make that make that server unpopular, such as: running old version 2.5, a policy against banning cheaters, no standardized ruleset to try to master over multiple games, different holes and exploits in each game, crony-inner-circle cabal, and obsessive outward focus on negative politics against others doing a server the right way, instead of trying to genuinely compete through superior initiatives.

What you see here is only the visibly public top layer of his psy-op battle methods. He erroneously believes that false political attacks will improve the relative standing of his own preferred server. The opposite is the case. For years, stinky cronyistic backroom toxicity has been turning away new users to one of the greatest games ever made. (FCW is deciding to go in new directions away from crony-culture, and is implementing a new rather standard ethics of politeness, honour, fairness, camaraderie, and enjoyable entertainment.)

Corbeau is fully aware that FCW has a council of admins aware that he has an an ongoing history, aware that he has been on a probation status for past violations, aware that he has violated that probation multiple times, aware that he has received countless warnings which he not only ignored but aggressively discarded in public.

Conclusions on the Corbeau case.
If FCW has failed in any way, I would say that it was too lenient to repeatedly attempt reasonable friendly warnings, that we allowed this to go on far too long. In defence of our permissive lenience tactic, we are aware of his method to stage political theatre-drama on his own pre-meditated banning which, as above, he will then try to leverage politically against FCW with wild untruth and impugnment, as evidenced by the above post.

The fact that Corbeau obstructed actions and investigations against the Op-42 cheater-ring whose mission was to flood the game with multi-alt accounts and disseminate illegally hacked info to perform cheating actions game-wide across the map to ruin game integrity... The fact he then engaged in dissemination of illegally hacked info he did not report and denied having, and did so AFTER being warned not to do so... That in itself is completely heinous and bannable. Don't fall for his weak excuse of "well if some people have the info it's only fair that others do, so my God-appointed status unilaterally entitles me to break the rules and give the info only to my allies rather than approaching the Gamemaster about it." Breaking the published rule, being warned previously not to do so, LYING by denying having the info, not reporting the people who gave it to him, lying about that also, then disseminating it AFTER being warned not to, that's the reality he "forgot" to tell. Add it up! The above is not even a drop in the ocean of the other things he had done up to this point.
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Official Announcement

Post by Lexxie »

Official and Public Announcement about FCW’s actual culture, rules, and policies.

For those in doubt because of misinformation and false statements made by the 3-4 in Op42 spreading false information, I feel it's convenient to make a public official statement so that it's clear what FCW supports and does not allow. This should clarify what kind of behaviour is safe and what might cause issues. If you have a problem with any future actions, you can safely refer to this official statement in your defence, as it will be followed.

1. Do you just want to play entertaining games without slander/politics/subversive wars conducted against the very platform you're playing on?
2. Do you want the community to be able to focus on improvements, ideas, and growth, rather than having the great majority of its air-time monopolised by a very small hostile minority always creating vociferous wars and false politically motivated accusations?
3. Do you want to feel confidence and stability, that the games you play in don't have an "inner cabal" of cronies who disseminate illegally obtained cheater info to their buddies, and share secret hacks for illegal in-game advantage?
4. Do you want to play on a map with other nations who are playing in earnest in a real attempt to win and enjoy the game, rather than be participating in games where players are there for some other secret motives to degrade game integrity or prevent a normal camaraderie of respectful competition?
5. Do you want to play in an environment where other players disapprove of cheating and report it, rather than do it/ facilitate it / hide it / support it?

If you answer "yes" or close to a "yes" on all of the 5 above questions, FCW cordially welcomes you to join or remain in our growing community. If, on the other hand, you answer "no" the any of above 5 points, then FCW may not be for you. You may still play, but be careful to abide by this rules-culture whether or not you agree with it.
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Re: Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

Post by Corbeau »

I'll probably read this wall of text one day, when I prepare myself for it. Maybe I'll produce one of my own. Maybe not. But for now, just to share some info, so that the community knows who-is-who in this soap-opera:
Lexxie wrote:1. Corbeau is part of a known group engaging in a political psy-ops against FCW.
This "known group engaging in a political psy-ops against FCW" consists of Wieder, Zoltan, Mooreinstore and myself. I apologise if I missed someone. In case you aren't familiar with the names, Wieder has been running (now for years and Zoltan/Pneu has been running support for Lexxie's Freeciv Web server for a year or two and then gave up (and yes, he has been naughty towards that server, but I think I managed to persuade him out of continuing being naughty).

Zoltan is now running his own FCW server at

The underlying issue here is that Lexxie is freightened of competition: any mention of Longturn and other FCW servers is forbidden in any communication channels controlled by Lexxie and Andreas; if it happens it is deleted instantly.

Also, nobody is "working against FCW". I have repeatedly stated that I support its existence and progress, was playing it and would be glad if they reached thousands of players. My motives for this are selfish because I like LT more, I believe it is run more professionally, but it is more accessible and will, by default, attract more people, and the more people are drawn to Freeciv generally by FCW, the more will spill to other sub-communities.

If anyone is reading this and is interested in any clarification, feel free to ask. I'm getting tired of answering to hysterical ramblings and would rather ignore it if nobody is paying attention anyway.
* Freeciv LongTurn, a community of one-turn-per-day players and developers
* LongTurn Blog - information nexus with stuff and stuff and stuff
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Re: Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

Post by Corbeau »

This post is exclusively for archiving purposes. The reason is that one day - probably never, but just in case - Lexxie may realise, or may be persuaded, what she is making herself look like and may decide to edit or delete the above post. So this below is an untouched copy of the above. I just read through a chunk of it (too much for one try), and it really is grandiose. So much unwanted subcontext, it really is a spectacular work of nature.
Lexxie wrote:Please consider that the above post is false and provides evidence of the kind of dishonest malicious motives.

Background summary
1. Corbeau is part of a known group engaging in a political psy-ops against FCW. He is a self-appointed troublemaker who feels a God-given right to disrupt community goals. He orchestrates and performs staged political theater and slander against the very people who are providing him a free entertainment service. Ultimately that gets you banned anywhere you try it.

2. It doesn't take a genius to wonder: "if countless normal players are not getting banned and this guy gets banned a lot, is there something special he's doing and not admitting during these public rants against FCW? What's the real underlying truth behind this guy?" This leads to two hypotheses: he is either an ethical crusader who stands up to abuses that others are quiet about, or he is egotistically deranged and picks fights with enlightened management. Well, it's the latter. You see, the common denominator to Corbeau's constant problems is not the current FCW or the current admins of it/ He has caused troubles and had bannings multiple times on multiple instances under different management.

3. We like to welcome and grow a community of friendly players who respect reasonable rules and who do not feel a God-given right to break rules without even starting a healthy public discourse to vote on amending the rules.

It was an unpleasant menu of options we faced when "pushed to our wit's end" to try to warn someone to stop committing bannable offences. We knew all-too-well that later he would try to stage a drama over it. Staged dramas over his own pre-meditated banning is his special trademark. It appears he uses it to attempt to degrade the reputation of the server and its operators as part of his “Op-42 psy-ops farming,” What's that? In case you didn't know, it's a very small group he is in, whose goal has been to "degrade quality of competitor servers to get people to come over to our own server.” The execution follows the same formula every time: after a warning over some repeated offences, he privately escalate the offences while publicly doing something innocent-seeming like give a user a forum link to here. Get banned, then cry foul that some draconian dictators are cutting free speech and trying to prevent freeciv users from coming to the forum! Do this simultaneous to the new launching of a new game on his own server. Oh no, FCW is against the freeciv forum! FCW is public enemy! Oh no! Hey everyone, there's good news, come on over and try my new experimental ruleset instead! By now it should be obvious the real game and motives behind these tactics. It's quite foul and the community should do more to chastise it. It's ignominious.

It has become apparent that a lot of people don't notice the source of the FCW political dramas are always the same 3-4 people working together in tandem as a team. Clever politics to present us with a "lose/lose menu" of choices is exactly what they calculate and execute: we either take the high ground and don't respond to wildly false accusations, or we defend ourselves against incessant slander until the casual user thinks, "Oh, FCW, aren't they the ones who are always having political drama over hacking/cheating/rules/banning/censoring?" As the public text record will show over the last years, In Corbeau's mind, it's a win/win strategy to push to the absolute max for all it's worth, constantly. But all strategies have a downside and by overplaying it, they have milked it too far. Finally, in many places are exposed their malicious motives. They have told one too many persons too much about their intents. People are finally coming to us saying, "wow, you were right about them. I'm sorry you had to put up with it." One of their own, even, in an unexpected moment, admitted to all the deliberate trouble-making and apologised for it.

The game is up. The motives are clear. The intent is to degrade a service you see as competitor then blame it for suffering the degradation you yourself cause and "farm an exodus" to your own server. While we certainly can tolerate open speech and discussion and comparison of different ideologies for running freeciv servers and communities, and can tolerate competition, it has to be done in a fair and honest way. Not in a way that sets up lies and propaganda and slander as an all-out war with intent to damage and destroy. But we certainly don't have to tolerate users with known agendas to sabotage our operation while admitting it's part of a plan to recruit our users away from us.

It's finally coming to an end. After exposure of the evidence and the admissions of malicious intents and affiliation, we had enough, we are done with it and can ban all sources hostile to FCW operations. It should be obvious we're under no obligation to provide free entertainment to hostile sources who break our rules and try to bring us down.

At the risk of sounding obvious, if you don't like a server or its operators and denigrate having a web interface interface and familiar standardised rulesets, why is such a huge portion of your life and public politics obsessively dedicated to causing trouble to another server, instead of improving your own? Corbeau, consider this ban a liberation so you can focus on something productive.

The case of Corbeau
FCW admins have a long history with Corbeau. He's self-admittedly on the record as hostile to FCW and he is a member of a group who doesn't stop at politics but indeed ventured into cyber-crime and politically siding with and leveraging the results from hacking, cheating, and cyber-crime for political gain.

I can assure you that in private, in deed and action, I have never seen anything like the coordinated obsessive fury to scheme deep political traps and aggressions against us. At the end of the day, FCW is a free service run to provide free entertainment. The bottom line is, if you don't like our culture and rules for trying to create a fair non-cheating environment free from political attacks, trolling, abuse, and infighting, then you know what you can do. Something else!

Our attempt to negotiate a peaceful co-existence and cross-promotion between "his" server and ours was probably the most tediously passive aggressive abuse I have ever had the displeasure of exposing myself to. Corbeau conveniently does not mention that FCW's current policy with respect to his server was forced upon us by their rejecting the offer of peaceful co-existence and cross-promotion, followed by continuing their strategy of slanderous political psy-ops to attempt to "degrade FCW's reputation and popularity so we can use it as a farm for our own server." The foregoing is already demonstrated and out in the open. We followed up repeatedly in approaching them that this state of affairs is not to our liking and in the absence of a cross-promotion deal, would they at least agree to a "no public politics, everyone mind their own business, and we go our separate ways" kind of deal. As you see here and all over Discord, Corbeau obsessively dedicates his time to words and actions contradictory to that proposed deal.
Corbeau's calculated and ongoing efforts over several years, have been to damage/degrade FCW under whatever management it has, to try to create a political shift toward his own less popular server. At the risk of seeming mean, I will suggest what his efforts should instead be dedicated to: fixing the things that make that make that server unpopular, such as: running old version 2.5, a policy against banning cheaters, no standardized ruleset to try to master over multiple games, different holes and exploits in each game, crony-inner-circle cabal, and obsessive outward focus on negative politics against others doing a server the right way, instead of trying to genuinely compete through superior initiatives.

What you see here is only the visibly public top layer of his psy-op battle methods. He erroneously believes that false political attacks will improve the relative standing of his own preferred server. The opposite is the case. For years, stinky cronyistic backroom toxicity has been turning away new users to one of the greatest games ever made. (FCW is deciding to go in new directions away from crony-culture, and is implementing a new rather standard ethics of politeness, honour, fairness, camaraderie, and enjoyable entertainment.)

Corbeau is fully aware that FCW has a council of admins aware that he has an an ongoing history, aware that he has been on a probation status for past violations, aware that he has violated that probation multiple times, aware that he has received countless warnings which he not only ignored but aggressively discarded in public.

Conclusions on the Corbeau case.
If FCW has failed in any way, I would say that it was too lenient to repeatedly attempt reasonable friendly warnings, that we allowed this to go on far too long. In defence of our permissive lenience tactic, we are aware of his method to stage political theatre-drama on his own pre-meditated banning which, as above, he will then try to leverage politically against FCW with wild untruth and impugnment, as evidenced by the above post.

The fact that Corbeau obstructed actions and investigations against the Op-42 cheater-ring whose mission was to flood the game with multi-alt accounts and disseminate illegally hacked info to perform cheating actions game-wide across the map to ruin game integrity... The fact he then engaged in dissemination of illegally hacked info he did not report and denied having, and did so AFTER being warned not to do so... That in itself is completely heinous and bannable. Don't fall for his weak excuse of "well if some people have the info it's only fair that others do, so my God-appointed status unilaterally entitles me to break the rules and give the info only to my allies rather than approaching the Gamemaster about it." Breaking the published rule, being warned previously not to do so, LYING by denying having the info, not reporting the people who gave it to him, lying about that also, then disseminating it AFTER being warned not to, that's the reality he "forgot" to tell. Add it up! The above is not even a drop in the ocean of the other things he had done up to this point.
* Freeciv LongTurn, a community of one-turn-per-day players and developers
* LongTurn Blog - information nexus with stuff and stuff and stuff
* Longturn Discord server; real-time chatting, discussing, quarrelling, trolling, gaslighting...
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Re: Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

Post by Canik »

Hi, whoever might actually be reading this. Probably an Admin with a splitting headache. You probably don't know me but I can produce some evidence to back my story if needed.

When I joined Freeciv 2-3 years back my first ally was Mooreinstore. We happened to spawn next to each other in several games following and allied in each one. Needless to say we got along well and were on friendly terms. I also allied Zoltan (aka Pneu) in one game and we got along fine. I say this so you understand I was friends with them first, before Lexxie, yet I stand with Lexxie now.

I did know of Lexxie, she had a large presence quickly after joining. She is passionate about Freeciv and knowledgable. I listened and learned all I could from both sides and would try to keep a neutral objectivity when there was drama between them.

Then, FCW.. G17? happened. I think it was G17. Anyway, in that game Zoltan and Moore both took advantage of exploits and hacks. Zoltan literally wrote up a quick script to open and close the trade window 5 times a second, targetting Lexxie so she could not do anything. From what I understand, players had started doing this manually but Lexxie was against patching it mid-game? something like that, whatever the case, Zoltan doing that was somewhat shocking and disgusting to me.

In response to backlash against this and other things that people questioned, Zoltan said essentially FCW was supposed to be a playground for hackers.

Moore also took advantage of an exploit to gain partisans switching back and forth with allied cities. And in the past had shared his view with me that everyone cheats if they can, so it's ok.

This along with other things of questionable ethics Zoltan/Moore and company were doing.. I lost faith in the integrity game and could no longer stomach the vindictive obsession they had against Lexxie that they prioritized over all else. Lexxie is not Gandi, at times she got nasty too but her every move wasn't centered around vindictiveness. She held the integrity and betterment of FCW a higher priority. I have gotten to know her well and she is a true FCW patriot! The rest are cheaters and trolls. They have made many attacks against our new server as we tried to establish it, an actual hack attack by Zoltan, them flooding them game with multis. They posted hacks, data to ruin G18, the list goes on and on.

And that is why I stand with her. Because I stand for a FCW with INTEGRITY, with an Admin I can trust to support and protect that integrity!

About Corbeau's Banning specifically:

I saw it all. I do not want people banned but Corbeau and his friends have EARNED it. They were warned, they were given chances, they hacked, made multis, continued linking to other sites and were in general hostile.
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Re: Freeciv Longturn Web - The gossip section

Post by Corbeau »

Huh, interesting. What happened to "truth, the WHOLE truth" etc.?

Let us begin.
Canik wrote:Then, FCW.. G17? happened. I think it was G17.
The fact that you're not aware that it begun long, LONG before G17 shows how little you know. About a year-long abusive behaviour, lies, deceits, harassment by Lexxie. It was personal and it was through private channels. Moore had her blocked for a while because she was too much to handle (somewhere very roughly between game 10 and 15). Zoltan was actually doing ALL the work for FCW for a time and then he flipped because of her harassment, stubbornness and disrespect for HIS time. I'm not defending his actions, only shedding a bit different light on it.
Anyway, in that game Zoltan and Moore both took advantage of exploits and hacks. Zoltan literally wrote up a quick script to open and close the trade window 5 times a second, targetting Lexxie so she could not do anything.
Again, you don't know the background. This was a part of an issue of Lexxie being online literally 24 hours a day and nobody being able to make any moves against her without her watching and reacting. She gave excuses but, bottom line, refused to go offline so that others can play a turn-based game, and not a real-time strategy, which longturn is supposed to be.

So he made her sign off.
In response to backlash against this and other things that people questioned, Zoltan said essentially FCW was supposed to be a playground for hackers.
Yes, because the game was full of holes that Lexxie refused to patch. Not mid-game. In general.
Moore also took advantage of an exploit to gain partisans switching back and forth with allied cities. And in the past had shared his view with me that everyone cheats if they can, so it's ok.
This, my young one, is a standard exploit known forever. This is why in some (maybe all?) LT games the partisan thing is disabled completely. Lexxie refused to do this "because the MP ruleset is sacred and should not be meddled with by amateurs". So, if it's possible and known, you'd be a fool not to use it.
This along with other things of questionable ethics Zoltan/Moore and company were doing.. I lost faith in the integrity game and could no longer stomach the vindictive obsession they had against Lexxie that they prioritized over all else.
Nah, they simply stopped taking the game seriously. Like I said, I'm not defending anybody, Zoltan *was* naughty and I'm trying to dissuade him from it, but you don't know the whole story. Hell, the personal chats I could share...
Lexxie is not Gandi, at times she got nasty too but her every move wasn't centered around vindictiveness.
Incorrect. She unleashed her full schizoid fury against everybody and everything who disagreed with her managing of rulesets. Wieder, of all people, was banned from her Discord server because he wouldn't stop arguing about rulesets. If anyone is known for holding a calm and reasonable discussion, it's Wieder. And he got banned because... Still not sure I'm able to repeat Lexxie's "reasoning".
She held the integrity and betterment of FCW a higher priority.
... and her relentless grip over its entirety.
The rest are cheaters and trolls. They have made many attacks against our new server as we tried to establish it, an actual hack attack by Zoltan, them flooding them game with multis. They posted hacks, data to ruin G18, the list goes on and on.
Do go on, then.
About Corbeau's Banning specifically:
And now the fun part!
I saw it all. I do not want people banned but Corbeau and his friends have EARNED it. They were warned, they were given chances, they hacked,
I did not hack.
made multis,
I did not make multis.
continued linking to other sites
Ay, therein lies the rub. So this is a sin, informing people in the in-game chat that a new game is starting there-and-then, after they asked when the new game is starting? If that is a sin, I am guilty as charged.
and were in general hostile.
Nope. I haven't spoken a word to Lexxie in months. Literally. Maybe exchanged a line or two about very technical matters (in the form of question/answer), but that was literally a line or two. I did have some arguments with Andreas on Discord when I said that he is a neo-nazi after he tried to justify Anders Breivik's actions. Surprise, a day later I was banned from the game! And I wasn't even sure if that was because of that comment or because I literally answer a player's question with "A new game is starting in a week, more info here-and-here". Both seemed equally berserk.

So, basically, me "being generally hostile" is a lie, at least when it concerns the last few months.
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