Proposed bugfix/feature: Revert back to using our own macro instead of AC_C_VARARRAYS

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Proposed bugfix/feature: Revert back to using our own macro instead of AC_C_VARARRAYS

Post by cazfi »

osdn #43352: Targeted to freeciv-3.0.0: During 3.0 development we started using "proper" upstream AC_C_VARARRAYS macro instead of an older implementation of our own, for checking C99 vararrays support. Now it has turned out that as it's stricter about full compliance, it rules out using e.g. tcc for compiling freeciv. The exact reason tcc fails the check is no concern for freeciv build. Our own implementation checked just the things that are relevant for freeciv, so maybe we should reintroduce it.
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