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Winning chances regarding Cobat_Rounds effect

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:12 pm
by Ignatus
In Freeciv 3.0 binaries, the functions in common/combat.c still disregard possibility of rounds number limitation for the attacker. On Wikia I have put some formulae of how to calculate the chances (the article is in development yet but before the last part should be true); just it should be considered wether we need in particular cases the winning chance, the surviving chance or something third. Probably, in get_defender() we need maximal surviving chance (PL+PS=1-PW) while in get_attacker() we usually want to kill the target (max. PW), so we still will calculate in both cases the chance of winning in the narrow sense. The get_defense_rating() function also needs updating or, better, replacing for the case of defence against a limited attacker; I can't now suggest as quick indicator of "kicks back stronger even if dies as oftev" as for an unlimited attacker, maybe we'll have to calculate average survived attacker's damage "honestly".