Running Freeciv-web HTML5 version using Vagrant+VirtualBox

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Running Freeciv-web HTML5 version using Vagrant+VirtualBox

Post by AndreasR »

It is now possible to compile and run the Freeciv-web HTML5 version using Vagrant and VirtualBox.
This will make it easy for developers to setup a local development environment for Freeciv-web.
Please test it out, and give some feedback about how it works for you! Thanks! 8-)

The procedure is documented on freeciv-web github page.

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Freeciv-web can be setup using Vagrant on VirtualBox to quickly create a 
local developer image running Freeciv-web on Ubuntu 13.10 on your host 
operating system such as Windows, OSX or Linux. 

1. Install VirtualBox:
2. Install Vagrant:

3. Install Git: then check out Freeciv-web from git to 
a directory on your computer, by running these two git commands:
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git clone

4. Run Vagrant with the following commands in your Freeciv-web directory from step 3:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vbguest
vagrant up

This will build, compile, install and run Freeciv-web on the virtual server 
image. Wait for the installation process to complete, watching for any error 
messages in the logs.

5. (Skip this step if you run Windows) For Linux or OS X, then you 
need to setup a SSH tunnel to port 80 like this:
sudo ssh -p 2222 -gNfL 80:localhost:80 vagrant@localhost -i ~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key

Then test Freeciv-web by pointing your browser to http://localhost/ on your
host operating system.

To log in to your Vagrant server, run the command:  vagrant ssh

Note that running Freeciv-web using Vagrant requires about 4Gb of memory
and 3 Gb of harddisk space.
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