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Some options I'd like to see re-implemented

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 10:59 am
by Alien Valkyrie
In earlier versions of Freeciv, there were two very useful options that seem to have been removed.
  1. The "Return to homecity" option, which obviously sent the unit back to its homecity
  2. The "Attack automatically" option, which caused a unit to move out and attack whenever it sees an enemy unit close to the city, and then returns to the city
If these options would be re-implemented, I'd be really happy :)

- Caedo

Re: Some options I'd like to see re-implemented

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 2:49 pm
by ifaesfu
Autoattack option can be choosen in the military tab.

Re: Some options I'd like to see re-implemented

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 3:39 pm
by Alien Valkyrie
To make it more clear: I'm not talking about the server option(beause that kind of causes all units to do that all the time), but about the command for the unit itself.

Re: Some options I'd like to see re-implemented

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2013 1:03 am
by ifaesfu
I played a longturn game during some turns with autoattack option enabled, but I don't remember well how it worked exactly.
Maybe fortified units couldn't autoattack.