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Re: Dredger graphic

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 12:23 pm
by JTN
Nice, thanks :)

I am eyeing getting your graphics into the distribution in 2.6 so that they can start being more widely used, but I surely won't get them into beta1 (which is occupying me at the moment). I plan to break out Blender myself if I have to, to get equivalent Cimpletoon units (I've learned its UI several times now, and how hard can boats be?)

Re: Dredger graphic

Posted: Sun Sep 10, 2017 4:10 pm
by VladimirSlavik
What kind of workflow will you prefer? Submit all of the things at once after finished, or per item? And which items? Obviously there is a number of people asking me to draw $their_feature, I have my own agenda, and you have yours too :D Let's agree on some workable subset for the start?

PS: Container ship trident variant. Not sure about the colour choices, it seemed appropriate to have more then one or two, but then again Trident is all about low colour count, few pixels and hard outlines.

PPS: Also the mobile SAM tridentized.

PPPS: Here's the container ship predecessor, cog. Trident was easier since I just suck with curves, so it's first.

Re: Dredger graphic

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 11:32 am
by VladimirSlavik
I can't stop :O

By the way, most of the previous trident are one pixel larger. I'll fix that once needed, in most cases there is empty space to cut from.

Re: Dredger graphic

Posted: Mon Sep 11, 2017 1:55 pm
by XYZ
Nice work man! :D

Re: Dredger graphic

Posted: Sun Sep 24, 2017 2:47 pm
by VladimirSlavik
Amplio unit spritesheet has a locomotive which is missing in trident and cimpletoon. Here's trident...

Re: Dredger graphic

Posted: Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:25 pm
by JTN
These are all great!

I've created a wiki page to try to track these and progress them into the main distribution; see new thread.

Re: VladimirSlavik graphics

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2017 8:55 am
by VladimirSlavik
Thanks, that's a great resource to have! I have been making my own tracking table, but this is far better.

Since I know where to ask about a locomotive that would fill the cimpletoon blank...
  • Can I ask in the name of freeciv as a community/project? ("We would like to add a locomotive, so I'd like to ask if we could use your graphics?") I am sorry, but the wording just keeps coming naturally to me, I have been in a driver's seat too long :) Do feel free to deny that though.
  • If I obtain the permission for a blend or suitable render, do I make a patch or pull request?
EDIT: Junk for trident to match the one from tracking table.
EDIT 2: Dredger for trident.

Re: VladimirSlavik graphics (was: Dredger graphic)

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2017 7:10 pm
by VladimirSlavik
Let the Toyota wars commence!

Torn between the arab green and isis black, the flag turned out to be house Atreides...

Re: VladimirSlavik graphics (was: Dredger graphic)

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 9:28 pm
by VladimirSlavik
I have started a Github pull request and added a ticket at HRM:

Please note that this is the first time I have seen the freeciv data, and I have not had the chance to really test this yet. Any feedback at all welcome.

Re: VladimirSlavik graphics (was: Dredger graphic)

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 2:05 am
by dunnoob
VladimirSlavik wrote:Any feedback at all welcome.
If and only if that works I'd be interested to hear what you did, because I'm now quite certain that I don't want to read the Git book only to change two lines in unithand.c or one line in the Wikia code with a broken URL. :oops:

GitHub mumbles something about seven changed files, but I see only five: amplio2 PNG + units.spec, trident PNG + units.spec and an integration into experimental.

At some time next year (not now) I hope that the amplio2 PNGs can be rearranged, no copyrights + credits as huge + ugly visual watermarks, but ordinary PNG text chunks for this job. And less columns plus more rows for a preview with simple image viewers, example:
11 columns
11 columns
20 columns
20 columns